While investigating the iwconfig (-v says version 30), I tried the command:
iwconfig wlan0 channel auto
Only to be met by the response: “Set failed on device wlan0: Invalid argument”. Setting a fixed channel number works however.
I note in the manual the caveat “When supported” is included for the channel command. I am sure that the hardware (Atheros AR5008 on a mPCI card) will support the “Auto” channel function because it (the mPCI) was robbed from a Belkin F5D8232-4 which uses the Auto option.
If iwconfig can’t set the channel to auto, is there another tool that I could use. Or is the command state-related? Does it need to be invoked at some particular time (before entering Master Mode)or in a sequence with some other settings?
Regards, Martin
I do not understand why you want to use the “auto” function for your
card. The channel will be selected by the AP. Once you select an ESSID
that you wish to use, that will establish the channel.
This host IS the AP. Sorry, I did not make it all that clear, but I was assuming (always a mistake) that Master and AP modes were synonymous.
I had tried to qualify this point with the Edit - adding that I was using the hostapd (v0.7.2) application.
Regards, Martin
On 05/28/2010 08:06 AM, martinprowe wrote:
> lwfinger;2170445 Wrote:
>> The channel will be selected by the AP.
> Hi,
> This host IS the AP. Sorry, I did not make it all that clear, but I was
> assuming (always a mistake) that Master and AP modes were synonymous.
> I had tried to qualify this point with the Edit - adding that I was
> using the hostapd (v0.7.2) application.
Sorry, I missed that point.
Your question needs to be asked of the Atheros devs on the Linux
wireless mailing list at linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org.
One other point - iwconfig uses the deprecated wireless extensions
(WEXT) interface. The more modern and capable user interface is iw. I
don’t know if iw will work better here, but it might.