Asus n61Ja bios update problem


I wanted to update the bios, with an official bios update, from version 207 to 211. I didn’t use winflash, I used easyflash in the bios. Everything seemed to be going okay; it deleted the old files, wrote the new ones, verified the new ones. Then it said: shutdown in/after 2 seconds and it shut down. Then nothing happened anymore. Power button completely unresponsive. The battery light was still on, and I’m not sure if I should’ve just waited… I didn’t though, I thought I had to remove the battery, take the power off completely to be able to start it up again.

So I’m wondering: what are my options here? My warranty expired and I don’t really have the money to send it in and pay hundreds of bucks on repairs.

Is there anything I can try? CMOS battery reset? Anything???

Please help me out! I would be very grateful :slight_smile:

ps. What was sort of odd btw, was that easyflash said something like that it was an unsigned bios and if I wanted to flash it anymore, if i wanted to ‘force’ it or something. It was with 100% certainty the correct update from the support site, so I didn’t take that ‘warning’ seriously.

No matter what, ASUS are the ones to ask. If they have a forum, just ask how to recover from a failed BIOS update. It sounds odd that the PC does not even power up and makes you wonder if something else may have happened at the same time. But again, you got to get expert advise from ASUS on this subject.

Thank You,