Asus F3Jc breaks/Wireless problem

Hi there, i recently installed the new Suse 11.0 and made all of updates including some extra repository’s! if i’m not wrong all was good before updating, but, now, it every minute my computer freezes a couple times and moves again, (what i call breaks a couple times) and then comeback to normal to start breaking again 1 min after… it seems it is somewhat related with the wireless device, because if i turn it off, this won’t happen! anyway i need the wirelless back home and this is very very anoying!!! =/
one other thing is that times to times i can see the refresh rate of the lcd, this only happen 1 or twice every 5m, but maybe something wrong… it doesnt take 5s to refresh but like 1s or maybe less but not normal, don’t know if you get my point…
Does anyone know if there is any aplication to see if drivers are all well installed, etc…?like in windows the device manager? Thank You all :slight_smile: ScotchBritt

No one knows what i should do? :confused: i didnt want to install another OS, but if this continues like this i dont have any joice… :frowning: i already made a lot of searches on web but didnt found anything about this! Please Help me!!! :confused:

Howdy, I’m afraid your “extra repositories” might have messed up your system… It would be wise to uncheck them, leaving only the default SuSE repositories + maybe Packman and your videocard repository (if needed). Just follow this tutorial: Repositories/11.0 - openSUSE-Community

Then, it would also be wise to uninstall everything that your “extra repositories” installed - but don’t ask me how it’s done, because I don’t know…
The fact is, the rpm versions of various repositories are not always compatible, so the more repositories you enable, the more trouble you’re asking for…
Good luck!:slight_smile:

Well, indeed i checked a lot of repository’s but it is strange that they arent compatible… :confused: i used kubuntu already and that didnt happened…(i even had added extra repository’s) it just installed the compatible stuff, etc… :confused: It would be nicer if i could only uninstall what is making my computer crash(something to do with wireless drivers), i didnt found yet where i can see the drivers installed,etc…
between i think i need all repository’s i checked cause i only checked the nvidia(dont know if i need it i have a geforce go 7300),software development(some of them),games, packman and it is all i think, not shure…but i will check it and will post here more info! Ty anyway! cya later :slight_smile:


No one knows? :confused: :frowning:

The ‘break’ as you describe it sounds alot like the interference
caused by the ‘beagle’ indexing feature in the Firefox browser. Find the
package ‘beagle’ and remove it. (Search for ‘beagle’ in these
forums for more info.)

hhhm i will tri it then :wink: but just like i said, it is only when i have the wireless device on that this happens, independently of firefox being in use or not, but i will still search for that and post result!
Still no one told me how can i see if i have all drivers well installed and working etc… is there any feature for that? ty! ]]

Well, there is no utility like the Device Manager in Windows that I know of; you can run YAST/Hardware Information though, which will list all your recognized devices and the related drivers and lots of additional info. I regret I can’t help you with your problem; I’m afraid that installing new software or drivers can occasionally break things in Linux. Luckily it only happens on rare occasions. I think your best bet is to keep your fingers crossed and wait for an update that will fix things … or maybe … uhm … well, reinstall SuSE … or wait for some linux guru to join this thread.

any suse guru around? :wink: =P hehe

i think i will install 10.3 then or try another linux if i dont find a way out of here… :frowning: but 2 or 3 more dyas :slight_smile: hehe

Hmmm… Gurus seem immersed in deep meditation… anyway, just an idea: you say the problem goes away when you disable your wireless. It suddenly hit me that this does not neccessarily mean your wireless is involved: when you disable it, all sort of network services, including Internet access, get disabled - so it could be that any of these could be the culprit and not your wireless device as such. It may be some weird LAN problem or even a Denial of Service attack (I admit, this is far fetched…). The other thing is: in your original post you were saying something about seeing your LCD refresh rate - I must admit I didn’t understand a word of that and I’m afraid I may not be the only one… What was that and do you think the two issues might be related in any way?

Have you considered the possibility that the wireless gurus are not anwering
posts about wireless problems that are NOT posted on the Wireless Forum. Outside
of this, I’m not.


=/ sorry man i posted here because it is a laptop problem, between i didnt saw that there was a specific wireless thread! Sorry Anyway! no need to be offended =(
I posted a thread there hope it is good! anything you need from me please tell, ty!

sorry only yo answer now… i dont have any beagle package installed :confused:

here is something else is bothering me, my icon in taskbar have some graphic problems… not everytime i turn pc on, but most of times i think only 1 time it didnt occur, but i dont know why :confused:](](

if u check the icones they seem bugged the update one,clipboard, sound and kmess to, the other ones have normal(i think) black background… :confused:

p.s well i dont know how to explain better about the refresh rate… but i dont think it is important because it didnt happen any more, but it’s like the screen turned off pixel line by pixel line and up again right away(like a refresh rate of a screen but took so long that i could see it) :wink: did i made myself clear? :slight_smile: hehe ty ppl

This is a bump post… :confused: dont know if i can do, sorry if i cant!