Have a look in YaST’s sound module. Make sure the actual soundcard ( not some HDMI ) is defined as the primary soundcard.
If that doesn’t solve things, install pavucontrol , run it and fiddle around with the settings.
I note your PC is an " Asus E200HA" . I also note:
!!PCI Soundcards installed in the system
No PCI sound cards ...
Searching the internet I note many GNU/Linux users of different GNU/Linux distributions struggling with this hardware.
I can’t tell from a quick surf any fix was successful, although I note an alsa sound driver developer in April-2017 (who also happens to be an openSUSE packager) trying to get this to work.
Use your openSUSE username and password to log on to bugzilla. Attach to the bug report the alsa-info.sh script information (as a text file) that you get by running:
/usr/sbin/alsa-info.sh --no-upload
provide all the salient information in the bug report post and do not bother to reference this thread. The openSUSE sound packager (who is an alsa sound driver) who addresses the bug report will NOT read a forum thread.
Every few days check the bug report for a response. You may be asked to try some test kernels. After answering a request for more information, ensure you clear in the bug report any “need info” flag.