ARK file location?

As the noobie I tend to be I created a few archives with ARK, supposedly in my /home/bill directory.
They are not there. Is there another place KDE ARK stores its archive files?

I just don’t want them taking up disk space.

I suppose that you created the compressed file from the graphic interface of Ark. In that case, when you create a new archive, the dialog box ask you inmediatly where the compressed file will be created, by default in /home/user-name

As a rule, the archive is stored in the subdir where the original file(s) are located.

You can open up a command line and use the find command to search for the files - example:

:>  find /home/bill -name *.zip

:>  find /home/bill -name myzip*

Thanks both responders.
Yep, was suppose to gone /home/bill/ but NOT there.

I did the find cli thing before posting.
Did it again after replies, STILL not there.
Did a search from / , no luck there either.

Just hope there are not archives I can’t find taking up room.

Well let this posting die.


Did you check the Ark Handbook? – <Ark – Creating Archives and Adding Files>

  • N.B.: The Archive file is created when, some files have been placed in the Archive.
    No Auntie Martha and Auntie Hildegart – if you don’t place any files in the newly created Archive, the Archive file will not be created and, that’s not is the KDE Documentation – only in the application itself … :smiling_imp:

When you create an Archive, this happens:

When you close Ark and restart it, this happens – Ark has “remembered” that you’ve created an empty Archive file, in Ark but, that file hasn’t yet, been physically created – it’s only in Ark’s history:

Yes, it ain’t there, ever – Ark has “remembered” but, you can’t do anything with that piece of Ark’s memory:

What you have to do is, recreate that archive again and then, drop at least one file into it – exactly then, Ark will auto-magically create the new Archive file.

 > file Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract

Yes I checked the handbook so much so my eyes fell out after reading through it!
Archive(s) I created ARE NOT THERE TO BE FOUND!
But when I open Ark, it shows there should be one in my home directory.

BTW, when creating them there was a pop up in the task bar alerting me they were created.

PLEASE let’s just drop this whole thing! I am being told things I already know & or tried!

We find it easier to use Dolphin to compress | decompress files.

Simply run Dolphin, navigate to the file(s) or sub-dir to compress. Highlight the file(s) or a sub-dir, then right click, then select:
Compress → “Here as xxxxx.tar.gz”,
or “Here as”,
or “Compress to…”, and you’re done.
You will instantly see the newly created file.

Less steps than using Ark, plus using Dolphin is more intuitive (for us, anyway). And Dolphin even suggests the filename to use, saving some typing.

@myswtest , Thanks for your response
I resorted to that every couple of weeks. After I found the ARK situation I seem to have(note it is me, not the system).

And not knowing how to use rsync CLI, it ‘was’ my /home backup.

Got tired of that, and installed ‘luckybackup’ because it uses rsync. I know it just clones my /home directory, but at least I can put it on a remote device, and it does incremental backups.

Probably better tools out there, but until (IF) I take the time dig into rsync, I am happy with it.

last time I “lost” a file I had inadvertently typed a dot at the beginning…

@brunomcl thanks. I did look in the hidden area , not there with leading dot.
I’ll do a find or search with the dot but right now it will be a ‘best guess as to what follows. Not sure how to wild card that.

I’ve dropped an Ark Brainstorm topic into the KDE Discuss Forums – “Ark - Behaviour when creating a new Archive