Are there packaging guidelines for Qt 5 libs/applications?

I’ve packaged QDjango and in the process of packaging nzmqt (see my home subprojects).

Are there packaging guidelines for Qt 5 libs/applications? I used the same approach as in qt libraries packages (libqt5-qtscript), but I’m not quite sure: should I name nzmqt library as libQt5nzmqt, libQt5Nzmqt, libnzmqt? What should I do if qmake + make generate library with *bad *name (rename/patch .pro file)?

On Tue 23 Sep 2014 05:56:01 PM CDT, Rominf wrote:

I’ve packaged QDjango and in the process of packaging nzmqt (see my home

Are there packaging guidelines for Qt 5 libs/applications? I used the
same approach as in qt libraries packages (libqt5-qtscript), but I’m not
quite sure: should I name nzmqt library as libQt5nzmqt, libQt5Nzmqt,
libnzmqt? What should I do if qmake + make generate library with -bad
-name (rename/patch .pro file)?

I think the current mindset is libQt5<blah>5 and libQt5<blah>-devel (no
5). This is based on looking at the current packages for 13.2 which
sort of set the standard…

There is info here, but nothing specific;

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64) GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel 3.11.10-21-desktop
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If I understand you correctly nzmqt related packages would be:


Logically thinking I should name the library as:

On the other hand library naming solution has two weak points:

  1. Programmers should handle openSUSE separately: they would link against libnzmqt on any distribution, except openSUSE. To be honest, I’m not sure that qmake is capable of doing this.
  2. I, as a packager, need to rename the library, produced by qmake+make+g++ OR patch .pro file.

On Tue 23 Sep 2014 07:06:01 PM CDT, Rominf wrote:

malcolmlewis;2666069 Wrote:
> Hi
> I think the current mindset is libQt5<blah>5 and libQt5<blah>-devel
> (no 5).

If I understand you correctly nzmqt related packages would be:



Logically thinking I should name the library as:


On the other hand library naming solution has two weak points:

  • Programmers should handle openSUSE separately: they would link
    against libnzmqt on any distribution, except openSUSE. To be honest,
    I’m not sure that qmake is capable of doing this.
  • I, as a packager, need to rename the library, produced by
    qmake+make+g++ OR patch .pro file.

The shared library name depends on the soname;

If you look at the build results here, looks like there is a mixture as

Perhaps jump on the KDE Mailing list or IRC channel…

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64) GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel 3.11.10-21-desktop
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