Apps take very long to open

I have just installed openSUSE tumbleweed and am getting used to it, I am using i3 and lightdm for my WM and DM.
Firefox takes ~30 seconds to start and so does nautilus, other apps like GreenWithEnvy take too long to open, but when any of these is run from the terminal, no errors arise but it does take a ridiculously long time.

I have looked at threads with a similar issue, which either provided no solution whatsoever or that one had too many fonts for LibreOffice, for me LibreOffice boots quickly and I do not have many fonts: have no idea what could be the issue and am wondering if anyone has experienced slow program boot times in i3.

Thanks in advance!

How about reporting what you are using? Paste here output from:

inxi -F

run in an X terminal. How long ago was the installation? Minutes? Hours? Days?

My bad, when I say new, I mean around 2 hours new.
inxi -F output in alacritty: System: Host: host-[censored][censored].net Kernel: 5.19.2-1-defaul -
inxi -F output in tty: System: Host: host-[censored][censored].net Kernel: 5.19.2-1-defaul -

Seems the recent update helped. strange but glad it’s all ironed out and more stable than my old gentoo install

With a fresh installation, not everything is always already finished when the first boot of the newly installed system occurs. More takes place in background on first boot, and continues until finished, even if more reboots intervene. Some background tasks involve things requiring a lot of I/O that can infringe on foreground task responsiveness.

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