application only can be ran as root or I get a missing library error.

the binary websdr64 is a software defined radio web server.

mage@WebSDR:~/dist11> ./websdr
./websdr: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

but it works fine as root:

mage@WebSDR:~/dist11> sudo ./websdr64
[sudo] password for root:

>>> WebSDR server (20140718.1716-64)<<<

Copyright 2007-2014, Pieter-Tjerk de Boer,

Planning FFTs for band 0… done.
Planning FFTs for band 1… done.
Planning FFTs for band 2… done.
Writing frequency axis images… done

Anyone have any ideas to be able to run as normal user? The library ( is installed.

the permissions for the library are user: root group:root

mage@WebSDR:~> locate

could this be why?

you should check the permissions on that file
/usr/lib64/ is a link to
I get

> ls -l /usr/lib64/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 мај 12 10:32 /usr/lib64/ ->

> ls -l /usr/lib64/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1556432 мај 12 10:32 /usr/lib64/

only root can write to it but users can execute said file
where did you get websdr64 from as it’s not available from any of the opensuse repo’s or from packman✓&q=websdr64


I got the file from

We can mark this thread as solved, I was trying to execute the 32 bit version of the binary… My mistake.

Thanks all…