Application Launcher Menu Issue

Don’t know if this is the right forum, but it seemed the most appropriate. I’m running OS 13.1 KDE. When in Launcher Menu mode, the logo at the top left is not OS, but Ultimate Edition (UE). I’ve actually had this issue in other distros
since I installed then removed UE a few years ago. Apparently something was left behind that’s causing this. I’ve chosen to just ignore it up till now. But, I was curious to see if anyone might know of a way to correct it. Thanks.

What do you mean with “Launcher Menu mode”?

With “OS” you mean openSUSE I suppose, but how does an “UE” logo look like? And where do you have that, in the top left of what?

since I installed then removed UE a few years ago.

And what is UE?
IOW, what exactly did you install and remove and how?

Could you please provide a screenshot to explain what you actually mean?


This is one of two menu styles available, the other is called classic. Anyway you can see the UE logo upper left just below my user name. UE is Ultimate Edition–an Ubuntu-based distro I used for awhile, then “uninstalled” by reformatting and installing a new distro on the same partition. I’ve used other distros in the meantime, and that logo continues to show up, rather than the appropriate one. Hope this clarifies things.

Wonder how you managed to merge 2 distro’s :open_mouth:

Maybe if you did an upgrade rather then a new install over the Ubuntu OS. That may well leave all sorts of cruft from the previous OS.

Well, this should actually be the “Search” icon:

UE is Ultimate Edition–an Ubuntu-based distro I used for awhile, then “uninstalled” by reformatting and installing a new distro on the same partition. I’ve used other distros in the meantime, and that logo continues to show up, rather than the appropriate one.

If you reformatted the partition, there can be nothing left from before.
So probably you at least reused the /home partition?

Anyway, that icon is taken from the current icon theme.
So have a look into KDE’s settings (Application Appearance->Icons) which icon theme is selected, UE maybe installed one to your home directory or you downloaded one via GHNS, and this is still configured to be used. Switch to “Oxygen”, and that icon should be “normal”.

And/or try to rename the folder ~/.local/share/icons/, icons in there might override the system’s icons.

To verify that it is some user setting, try to create a new user and login as that. Do you see that icon on that fresh user account as well?

PS: I just noticed that this “Search” icon will be replaced by you user’s icon/avatar, if one is set.
So go into “Configure Desktop”->“User Account Details” and click on the icon (if it’s that UE icon you want to get rid of), then remove it in the appearing dialog and/or choose a different picture.

This is saved as ~/.face_icon, so you could also just delete that file if it exists.

And restart plasma-desktop, logout/login, or reboot for the actual picture in the K-menu to change.

I was able to delete the logo as you instructed. I’m kind of embarrassed it was something so simple to correct. BTW, I found neither a ~/.local/share/icons nor a ~.face_icon file. The local/share file did have an app file that WAS leftover from UE (you’re right, I’ve kept the same home file through all this), so I did delete that. Anyway, thanks so much for your help. It’s greatly appreciated.

It’s actually ~/.face.icon, i.e. a file called “.face.icon” in your home directory, I made a typo there.

Found it . .and, lo and behold it was the UE logo. So, my gratitude once again.