Application deployment in Linux..

Hi everyone,

I am new to linux world, I have a question about application deployment in Linux.

Suppose, I have an application that I would like to install into several client machine all at once, by pushing from the server.

What Program would allow me to accomplish that.?

Thanks You all,

Have a look at rsync.

Could you please provide a link regarding application deployment and rsync. I was unable to find any information.


As with any tool in Unix/Linux you do

man rsync

to get the documentation.

rsync is a tool to remote syncronize directories/files. It is often used for backups, where it sees that only directories/files with changed contents (or new ones) are copied. But when the directories/files on the remote systems happen to be parts of an application (executables, libraries, configuration, documentation) they can of course be rsynced to containt a new version of the application.

Hi every one,

I have reviewed the rsync manual page. I believe the terminology that I have used has been confusing.

Application deployment-In a large production server environment, software Installations is Automated or deployed to all clients at one. The Microsoft version is called SMS 2003 Application Deployment.

With this software I can install, for example, Adobe Photoshop to certain client machines.

I am looking for the Linux version.


I admit that I interpreted it as that you want to have a bunch of files being synchronised to a few systems on your LAN (about that scale). Running the *rsyncd *deamon on those systems and starting the *rsync *client to distribute is then an option.

As I have no knowledge of Windows I can not exactly compaire with SMS 2003 Application Deployment and I do not know how to achieve the same thing in Linux. But remember that Linux is not Windows and that looking for an exact one to one replacement of a software is not always applicable, Linux having a complete different approach.

In openSUSE software is normaly installed with YaST, but this is a GUI frontend to *zipper *that can be run from the GUI or a script. A schema where you inform the systems that an update is to be installed, followed by a call to zipper on that system might be a solution.

I hope others who have experience with this might help here.


for features that are comparable and surpass SMS 2003, Novell Zenworks is what you neeed.

Manage and Protect Your Endpoints with Novell ZENworks Configuration Management



using a linux-server,
to deploy OS to an pc, use pxe-booting and tftf server.

If you want to deploy applications to Windos-Clients, have a look to

If you deploy to Linux-clients look at m23 for debian based distributions or yast for opensuse distribution

If you need to deploy both, windos and linux clients, look at openqrm

good luck :wink:
