Apper complains about package dependency involving projectM and openSUSE-2013-550-1.noarch

For the last few days I’ve been getting this error about a not-found dependency, which is more specifically:

patch:openSUSE-2013-550-1.noarch conflicts with libprojectM2.x86_64 < 2.1.0-2.4.1 provided by libprojectM2-2.0.1-6.1.x86_64

I thought I understood what an RPM package was, but I don’t understand any of that.

I expected that Suse would fix this problem shortly, but the fact that they haven’t and that Googling some of those keywords turns up nothing, suggests that the problem is unique to me.

I’m running openSUSE 12.2

Basically, you have a different version of libprojectM2 installed.

Do this please

rpm -qa libprojectM2*


What does that tell you? How about:

$ rpm -e --test libprojectM2
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by (installed) vlc-noX-2.0.5-102.5.x86_64

I have a 12.2 system that was fully updated today (after I had to restore from an older backup following hdd replacement). I have “vlc-noX-2.0.6-131.2.x86_64” probably from Packman. Either your vlc is not up to date or you may have sourced it elsewhere?? I also have “libprojectM2-2.1.0-2.4.1.x86_64”. You probably need to update to those versions to install the openSUSE update, if you want to.

I don’t appear to be using Packman repositories. When I look when I see the listing of repos, I just get a lot of and one For some reason, I can’t figure out where a package came from.

Name : vlc-noX
Version : 2.0.5
Release : 102.5
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: Wed 06 Feb 2013 11:16:40 PM EST
Group : Productivity/Multimedia/Video/Players
Size : 36742169
License : GPL-2.0+
Signature : RSA/SHA1, Wed 06 Feb 2013 12:26:26 AM EST, Key ID 45a1d0671abd1afb
Source RPM : vlc-2.0.5-102.5.src.rpm
Build Date : Tue 05 Feb 2013 08:06:08 PM EST
Build Host : worker2
Relocations : (not relocatable)
Packager :
Vendor : PackMan :: Startseite
URL : VideoLAN - Official page for VLC media player, the Open Source video framework!
Summary : VLC: VideoLAN Client - without X dependencies
Description :
This Package of VLC contains the bare requirements you need to install.
Here is no graphical User Interface included, thus it’s also perfectly
suitable for server installations (Streaming Server for example)

Should you decide to install the GUI modules, vlc-noX will stay
installed as a dependency.
Distribution: Essentials / openSUSE_11.4

Which seems to indicate that it might have come from Packman, but… hold on… “Essentials / openSUSE_11.4”??? What’s up w/that? I used to be running that distro, but not anymore. I thought it the newer distro would have cleared that out.

On 2013-07-07 00:56, PenguinLust wrote:
> I don’t appear to be using Packman repositories. When I look when I see
> the listing of repos, I just get a lot of and one
> For some reason, I can’t figure out where a package came
> from.

Well, you can use “rpm -qi packagename” to find out.

>> Packager :
>> Vendor : ‘PackMan :: Startseite’ (

Well, there you have :slight_smile:

>> Distribution: Essentials / openSUSE_11.4
> Which seems to indicate that it might have come from Packman, but…
> hold on… “Essentials / openSUSE_11.4”??? What’s up w/that? I used to
> be running that distro, but not anymore. I thought it the newer distro
> would have cleared that out.

Not always - it depends on how you did the upgrade. How did you do it?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

Ok, I cleared out that vlc libprojectM and all that jazz and it finally worked. Then I added the Packman repo for 12.2, and then Apper wanted to update a ton of other stuff. Then I ran rpm -qia | less and hunted down all the packages with “opensuse_11” in them and either deletee or updated them (some of them had no updates), so I guess I’m exorcised of them.

How did this happen? I don’t remember how I handled the install of 12.2, but I probably chose “upgrade” or something over “clean install” since that 2nd one makes it sound like I’d lose a lot of things that I want to keep.

For an upgrade Packman or any other additional repos need to be disabled/removed, and, either edit the repo’s url to address the new release version and re-enable, or add the newer repo versions.

The easiest way to check versions and source repos is to go to yast software management and look at the version tab (bottom right)

On 2013-07-07 02:26, PenguinLust wrote:
> Ok, I cleared out that vlc libprojectM and all that jazz and it finally
> worked. Then I added the Packman repo for 12.2, and then Apper wanted to
> update a ton of other stuff. Then I ran rpm -qia | less and hunted down
> all the packages with “opensuse_11” in them and either deletee or
> updated them (some of them had no updates), so I guess I’m exorcised of
> them.
> How did this happen? I don’t remember how I handled the install of
> 12.2, but I probably chose “upgrade” or something over “clean install”
> since that 2nd one makes it sound like I’d lose a lot of things that I
> want to keep.

There are two basic system upgrade methods: via z “zypper dup”, aka
online upgrade, or via booting the DVD of the target version and choose
“upgrade” (aka offline upgrade). The full instructions are these:

Online upgrade
upgrade method

Chapter 16. Upgrading the System and System Changes
openSUSE 12.3 Release Notes

Specifically, with the offline upgrade, as only what is in the DVD can
be upgraded, you need to upgrade the rest manually later. To find out
the candidates, I run this query in a terminal:

rpm -q -a --queryformat "%{INSTALLTIME}	%{INSTALLTIME:day} \
%{BUILDTIME:day} %-30{NAME}	%15{VERSION}-%-7{RELEASE}	%{arch} \
" \
| sort | cut --fields="2-" | tee rpmlist | less -S

or rather:

rpm -q -a --queryformat "%{INSTALLTIME}	%{INSTALLTIME:day} \
%{BUILDTIME:day} %-30{NAME}	%15{VERSION}-%-7{RELEASE}	%{arch} \
" \
| sort | cut --fields="2-" | tee rpmlist | \
egrep -v "openSUSE.12\.2" | less -S

Once you have the names, you can use yast to update them to the right

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

What happened is a good illustration of why some of us prefer to always do a new installation (but keep the old “/home” on a separate partition) instead of upgrading. This is not just an opensuse thing. I follow the same practices with Windows and with Solaris, and for the same reasons.