app works for root anywhere, for users only on xfce????

On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 19:26:01 GMT, johannesrs <> wrote:

>I really don’t remember if that was in the instructions. Anyway, I
>usually have an open session as root on server/firewalls. Easier to do
>everything that has to be done on these systems, plus an extra visible
>eye looking over the system
>I’ve didn’t, and never did, anything too stupid. Specially leaving a
>session unattended. Logins as root are used to simplify the very few
>installations that are needed, and for supervision of any issues, as
>well as a fast response to any trouble. Mainly, it all means that: we
>only use root login to install programs of known procedence that also
>has a GUI interface for the installation/configuration procedures (I
>think this is at the most the third program with gui installation among
>the douzains that). Ok, also gdmsetup , when ran, once in a lifetime,
>also on gui as root.
>Finally, this problem seems to be too specific to be dependent on
>whether I made the installation logged on the GUI as root or not. But,
>ok, this is my opinion.
>Considering that I messed up thing behaving like this this time. What
>should I do?

Try looking for some configuration files for your app in /root, if found
delete them. Then start the app as a regular user (from cli).