Apache ssl blues

Trying to get an ssl Apache site migrated from an inferior alleged “operating system”. (Still new to linux, patience appreciated in advance.)

Apache (2.2) error_log had been reporting:
[warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured

This message went away after some certificate fiddling.
Still, Apache doesn’t listen on 443.

Listen 443 is in vhost-ssl.conf, along with
<Virtual Host>

suseFirewall2 allowed services: https and ssh

from another host,
nmap -PN
998 filtered ports
22/tcp open ssh
443/tcp closed https

But wait, that’s not all…

‘SSLSessionCache not configured’ is back.

Suspecting this is related to DNS caching,
I took out nss-mdsn, and avahi.

Even tried
export RESOLV_MDNS=no

I’m not even sure I’m on the right track.


All you need to do is to add SSL to APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS in /etc/sysconfig/apache2. Then copy the template /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.template to say /etc/apache2/vhosts/vhost-ssl.conf and edit the paths to the SSL cert and key in that file. Then restart apache2 with /etc/init.d/apache2 restart.