Hi, I desperatly need to get my apache server on OPenSuse to use the worker MPM I have tried simply placing worker in the quotes of the apache file /etc/sysconfig/apache2 but when i stop and start apache in the task monitor it is still showing the httpd2 processes to be prefork. Also there seems to be a problem on restart saying it cant find MPM. Is there something else I need to do. I really need this working ASAP for a uni project. Many Thanks
Did you install the apache2-worker package? It’s not installed by default, as prefork is the one most commonly used.
I think so In the server-tuning filr both are listed. like this
prefork MPM
<IfModule prefork.c>
prefork MPM
<IfModule prefork.c>
Im new to all this. I assume that means its there?
all i have done so far is placed the word worker in the quotes in the main file.
Is this correct?
Searched and searched and asked but cant seem to find anyone who knows how to set apache in opensuse to worker. Tried placing worker in the e.g. APACHE_MPM=“worker” Is there something else I have to do or any tests i need to check to make sure its there and it will work??
Please please please.
APACHE_MPM=“worker” Not working. - openSUSE Forums
pushing, no information and against all rules of netiquette.
Netiquette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Could somebody delete this?
please please please …
Sorry, have I done something wrong? if so i apologise. Im new to this. I genuinely would like to know the answer and feel others would benefit if the answer was given as i cant find it myself anywhere.
No, that config only tells Apache what to do for each type of MPM. You still have to install the package first.
guess Akoellh doesnt know the answer either
Can i do that now? even though Apache is installed already. If so, please could you tell me how to do this?
Many Thanks
Sure, you don’t have to reinstall the whole OS or even just the base Apache packages again. Just install the missing package.
How do I do this? new to all of this sorry
We’re all volunteers here so show a little respect. If you come across as pushy or rude, chances are people will be turned off and ignore you and where you you be then? You have no right to demand anything of us.
No, I obviously …
rcapache2 restart
Syntax OK
Starting httpd2 (worker) done
Go into YaST and Software Management and search for that package.
Perhaps you should read up some basic concepts of openSUSE first.
Sorry dont seem to be pushy at all, was just asking casue i need the help. Just seemed a little abrupt the first reply i got. So I sincerly apologise.
Ok, many thanks, and sorry if i seemed rude last time. I am new to this like i say so nothing was intentional.
Thanks again
Well done for that, must be proud of ourself. doesnt answer the question though.
Not after a bicker on a forum, i got better things to do. I apologise for crossing the wiki thing you put on, i simply didnt know.
thanks to your friend on here I have got the answer now, sorry if i upset anyone, maybe chilling a little bit and getting out will help dude.
got that working now just struggling with some php problem. Sorry if I offended you earlier ythe other guy way just a bit arsey for no reason. you seem cool though so thanks
Shouting in capitals is not likely to atrackt people to your problem.
Same for making a title that contains no word about what your problem is about. As I suppose you want to get people, who have some knowledge about the subject, looking it your problem, it is in your own interest to make a usefull title. And most people here can read sentences with normal capitalisation.
Wow, some of you guys are touchy spend alot of my time away from PCs so didnt realise capitals was shouting ha ha
All working fine now, thanks all.