Apache and 11.4

Hey I am new to the whole apache thing and I was wondering if you guys could just point me in the right direction with a few things.

Now I have read the documentation which they provide and I still am a bit clueless on what to do.

firstly how to start apache2.

I have installed it but everytime I run as root:
service apache2ctl start
service httpd start

I always get the “command not found” message.

my httpd.conf file is also empty as well as my apache2.conf.

Can someone please advise?

You’ve been too used to RedHat. Do this official way:

/etc/init.d/apache2 start

or better still, do it from YaST and you can also make it start at boot.

FYI service does work but only if you have root’s $PATH.

Shot man. that worked :slight_smile: