I am testing it now, but i’m not sure if I should proceed? There was a
report in their forums that the SLES 12 agent was broken, so they just
simply removed it. Also the forums seems to be not that well monitored
as there are week-old spam messages.
So is Amanda a viable alternative and if not, what alternatives are
On Thu 02 Aug 2018 07:29:23 AM CDT, Anders Gustafsson wrote:
I am testing it now, but i’m not sure if I should proceed? There was a
report in their forums that the SLES 12 agent was broken, so they just
simply removed it. Also the forums seems to be not that well monitored
as there are week-old spam messages.
So is Amanda a viable alternative and if not, what alternatives are
Anders Gustafsson
The Aaland Islands (N60 E20)
Hi Anders
Perhaps a peruse on OBS projects?
On the top right enter Archiving, there are at least four that may be
of interest?
Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SLES 15 | GNOME Shell 3.26.2 | 4.12.14-25.3-default
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If there is some issue with an Amanda client, it would be interesting if their effort was published somewhere… If for example on Github, some enterprising person might take a look at it.
Besides what Malcolm suggested,
If you’re interested in considering a true Enterprise alternative (and that it’s FOSS can’t hurt), I strongly endorse g4u
Take a look at it, and maybe read the history at the bottom of the page.
The only thing I’d consider its weakness is that it’s developed and maintained by only one person.
The pluses are plenty.
It’s a true “Enterprise” client/server solution based on cloning/imaging disks and partitions as the backup technology.
It has a long, reliable history and is not some here today, gone tomorrow.
It’s built on simple, commonly used components.
It’s fast (performance).
Unlike Amanda in particular, the supported transport protocols can easily pass through firewalls.
Maybe test it, and if you decide to use it donate any money you might have spent on a proprietary client to the g4u project, I’m sure Hubert would greatly appreciate it.
If you’re deployed on a virtual infrastructure,
Then you have a multitude of backup/restore options, and a file-based backup can be one.
Not g4u, but some clone based backups can also restore individual files.
Pretty amazing to have the best of both types of backups, and I don’t think existed 15 years ago (AFAIK).
Where? Did you report the posts? FYI the forums team monitors 24/7/365 but we have no illusions that we catch all spam messages, even though we do catch most of them within the hour. But … we also rely on reports by users of the forums.