Anyone usig an HP2550L color laserjet?

I have an HP2550L color laserjet that HPLIP sees but can’t do anything with

  • the device icon is actually grayed out. I have it connected via USB cable
    as the host machine has no parallel port. The docs and website say hplip
    supports it but I can’t beyond the fact that it sees the device and that’s
    it. At the same time, 2 other USB connected deskjets work like a champ -
    even the all-in-one.

Any help would be appreciated.

Will Honea

Which versions of Opensuse and HPLIP are you using? I had trouble with my Deskjet 2660 with Opensuse 11.1. I went to the Build service to install the latest HPLIP (3.9.8). Once I did that, my printer worked fine.

smpoole7 wrote:

> Which versions of Opensuse and HPLIP are you using? I had trouble with
> my Deskjet 2660 with Opensuse 11.1. I went to the Build service to
> install the latest HPLIP (3.9.8). Once I did that, my printer worked
> fine.

I’m currently fighting with 11.2 <g>. Same level of HPLIP.

I had the same issue you did with an earlier version of hplip - an f4135
that had run ever since I got it failed after some update. Again like you,
HPLIP 3.9.8 fixed the problem. The problem child is using another f4135 and
an M4000oT laser with no problem - just gets it’s drawers in a bunch over
the 2550L.

Will Honea

Hmmm. How new is that printer model? I thought the 2550s had been out for a while. Strange that it’s not fully supported by HPLIP.

You may have to wait a few weeks for the next release of HPLIP, unless someone else here has an idea.

smpoole7 wrote:

> Hmmm. How new is that printer model? I thought the 2550s had been out
> for a while. Strange that it’s not fully supported by HPLIP.
> You may have to wait a few weeks for the next release of HPLIP, unless
> someone else here has an idea.

Oh, yeah, it’s been out for some time. 3-4 years at least.

The HPLIP project site shows it as supported so my assumption was pilot
error - a far too-common problem here - but I’ll have to see what I can
learn there, I guess.

Will Honea

You could try setting it up as a generic Postscript/Ghostscript printer. If it works, it’ll be slower than fungus growing on a cold tree trunk, but at least you can use the printer.

I’ve been surprised with stuff like this myself over the years, both with Windoze and Linux. An older machine will mysteriously drop from being supported, then be quietly added back later (after they discover their mistake). It can happen. After all, when they compile/build the project, it could be as simple as someone accidentally deleted that line from the make/pack/build script. :slight_smile:

You might also want to post a message to the HPLIP people.

HP Linux Imaging and Printing

If they have managed to blow out support for that older printer, they need to know that.

smpoole7 wrote:

> You might also want to post a message to the HPLIP people.
> ‘HP Linux Imaging and Printing’
> (

I was just in the process of doing this when I, for some unknown reason,
took the time to read the instructions. Imagine that! Anyway, hp-check -r
returned some missing dependencies. Now why would the package install
without pulling in all the dependencies??? Even my working installation
here found at least two (optional) needed packages. I can’t really get full
results on the 2550L since ssh can’t push the power button from here and
I’ll be darned if I’m going all the way over there to do that tonight but
I’m sure that installation will need at least those two packages to pass the
check. Identified as OPTIONAL but disk space is cheap - so long as I don’t
get into conflicting dependencies.

Will Honea

Beats the heck out of me. I’ve run across this myself (now that I think about it, one case may have been with … hplip!!! But I’m not sure).

My favorite is when you have to build a package from source and you get something like, “woden-widgel-callme not supported.” You have to do a Google search to find out that “Woden Widgel” is supplied by a package named “perl-gimme-doodat.” :slight_smile:

I’m sure that installation will need at least those two packages to pass the
check. Identified as OPTIONAL but disk space is cheap - so long as I don’t
get into conflicting dependencies.

Will Honea

Best of luck to you. Hope it works. I haven’t run across conflicting dependencies in some time, so maybe you won’t hit that.