Anyone having problems keeping HDD alive with 11.3?

I have been having problems keeping my hard drives alive with openSUSE 11.3, it is happening way to often and I’m starting to think its more than bad luck. The hard drives that I have been using are brand new 500 GB Western Digital hard drives. Once I get it I would do SMART test on it, which all turn out clean, then a couple of months later I go to boot my system and I am fronted with a { DRDY ERR } { UNC}. Checking the SMART selftest log from the repair mode on the DVD I get a read failure at about 10% of the drive, the LBA of first error is: 578307645. I can’t keep replacing the HDD ever couple of months its just getting way to expensive.

How exactly did you manage to test 11.3 every couple of months already?

I use WD 320 and 500 GB HD’s and openSUSE works perfectly with them. In fact it’s by far the best distro in this respect. And I just use them out of the box, no fiddling.

I was running openSUSE 11.3 sense Milestone 3 or 4, went through 2 HDDs with that then this is the first time I had a drive fail sense 11.3 went GM. I have been getting drives from different batches, the manufacturer date was different on everyone so unless there is something in the OS cause the drive to fail I must have very bad luck when it comes to buying hard drives. So I figured if I would ask if anyone else was having problems like this. I have been running SUSE sense 10.0 and it has always been a great distro, this is the first time I have ever had any problems like this.

vendion wrote:

> I have been having problems keeping my hard drives alive with openSUSE
> 11.3, it is happening way to often and I’m starting to think its more
> than bad luck. The hard drives that I have been using are brand new
> 500 GB Western Digital hard drives. Once I get it I would do SMART
> test on it, which all turn out clean, then a couple of months later I
> go to boot my system and I am fronted with a { DRDY ERR } { UNC}.
> Checking the SMART selftest log from the repair mode on the DVD I get
> a read failure at about 10% of the drive, the LBA of first error is:
> 578307645. I can’t keep replacing the HDD ever couple of months its
> just getting way to expensive.

Why don’t you just claim the warranty? I’ve never had a problem
claiming the warranty based on a SMART report.

Per Jessen, Zürich (15.9°C)

I do but I still end up having to pay shipping costs, and as I said that is starting to add up

vendion wrote:

> I do but I still end up having to pay shipping costs, and as I said
> that is starting to add up

True - well, I can’t help much, I really doubt if your hardware issues
should somehow be software related. Western Digital hasn’t always had
the best of reputations, but I think their quality has improved quite a
bit in the last 3-4-5 years. If SMART reports an issue on the drive,
it’s faulty - that’s all there is to it.

Per Jessen, Zürich (15.4°C)