Anyone ever bought from Zareason?

So I am pretty much set at the end of this month or the beginning of next month for buying a new laptop. I want to pick up a note book from and I know there a little pricy compared to if I was to buy from a big box manufacture but I like the idea of buying from a company that only does Linux even though they don’t offer openSUSE I plan on buying a notebook with “no OS installed” and then just do the install myself. I know a little long winded but I guess my question is has anyone ever bought a product from them? I can’t find many current reviews but I know they have been around a few years. Just was hoping for some input before I spend 12-1500 on a new laptop.

You may need to do some homework by looking at sites similar to [Linux Laptop Wiki] for checking compatibility of the hardware.

he aim of this website is to provide a central wiki for people to post  their experiences with Linux on the model of laptop or notebook they are  using. Hopefully we will generate a large database of laptops where  people can come and quickly see if the laptop they are interested in  works with Linux.

The company PCs For Everyone has been selling desktops and Jetbook laptops (similar to Clevo) with openSUSE. However, you must contact Sales.
The website has changed as they used to have a separate page devoted to Linux.

Check PCs For Everyone

Here’s another one with Linux Certified Linux Laptop - Fully Supported & Configured High Performance Linux Laptops, Notebooks and Ultrabook | LinuxCertified

Hey everyone thanks for the info. vazhavandan that website was a huge help, is that a website a sticky around here cause if not it should be.

I did like all the other websites with laptops but I am looking into zareason.

You are welcome. Regarding laptop links you may need to seek blessings from forums gods (mods) ( )
They seem to support Linux laptops.(ZaReason Linux Laptops, Desktops, Servers and more)
Why don’t you use the chat button on the webpage(ZaReason Verix 530, high-end Linux Laptop) and chat with them and demand openSUSE 12.3 pre-installed and configured with xyz software (gnome,lxde,e17,kde,nvidia,ATI,skype,google earth,libreoffice 4 from cutom opensuse repos ,etc … ) and get good warranty.You never know. Miracles do happen .lol!

The chat only kicks me to a email message, I did tell them they should offer openSUSE and according to the email I got back (which was in about a hour) they offer any Linux OS which can be specified in the customer notes upon purchase. When they do the install it is not like a manufacture install, they set up your user account for you which I do not like so they have the option for a “no operating system install” which is what I will end up doing.