Any way to add "suspend" applet in MATE log in toolbar?

MATE is my DE for TW, and it doesn’t seem to offer a “suspend” applet in the toolbar . . . I have just restart or shutdown. Is there a way to add that, in what is likely SDDM?

Sometimes after an dup I like to log out, and then if I had the option I’d suspend the machine for a bit . . . now I have to log back in, and then suspend . . . . I have MATE & SDDM in a few other machines, don’t seem to hve this same issue, except in Pop’s GNOME DE, there I think the same issue, can’t suspend from the log in window . . . .

Have to add another DE in TW, or there is a way to “add to toolbar applets”?

In “answer” to my own question . . . “No. It does not appear to be possible to add toolbar applets in the log in window of, in this case, MATE DE’s version of sddm.”

Perhaps there might be a way to do that in terminal??

systemctl suspend

Thanks for that idea . . . not exactly what I meant, but perhaps it might work. I meant was there a way to add “suspend” function applet in the log in window?

But, perhaps from the log in window, switch to TTY and run your command to suspend the machine . . . if click on keyboard would “revive” from suspend . . . if so, then that would solve the problem. I’ll check it tomorrow in situ.

Well that is not a terminal. :wink:

Can you confirm that your current display manager is SDDM?

ps -A | grep dm

If so, I would expect to see something like…

I think you are confusing people. There is not such a thing as MATE’s version of sddm. There is sddm. And if one uses it to log in in MATE or any other DE does not matter. So the mentioning of MATE saw that you got all sorts of advice when being already logged in the MATE DE. Which you are not. You are at the login screen where it is still undecided which user is going to log in and which DE that user is going to use in this session.

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I was just trying to provide what might be relevant information. Today, is Leap 15.6 day and at the log in screen I do have buttons for “suspend” or “shut down” as I would hope to have in TW, but don’t . . . .
Also, am running sddm in Leap: > ps -A | grep dm 1238 ? 00:00:00 sddm 2744 ? 00:00:00 sddm-helper

OK . . . back over in TW . . . with the stripped function log in window.

~> ps -A | grep dm
   1313 ?        00:00:00 sddm
   1816 ?        00:00:00 sddm-helper

Which SDDM theme is in use?

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Review System Settings…

systemsettings kcm_sddm

There you can review available SDDM login screen themes. If you hover over them, you can choose ‘View Details’ to examine the buttons each theme provides. Some may exclude or hide buttons.

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OK, thanks for posting that; that is what I meant by, “perhaps something can be done in the terminal” . . . because there didn’t seem to be a GUI way to fiddle with that.

In answer to your prior question, I don’t know what theme is being used in sddm. Seems like in my Leap 15.6 version the theme looks more comprehensive than the TW selection. I’ll check it tomorrow.

There were some problems with logging in to TW perhaps a year or so back, and I might have changed the log in manager via the “update-alternatives” . . . command, but then didn’t get any further under the hood on it. At that point I was happy to log in . . . now I would like to be able to “suspend” from there as my needs have grown in demand.

Yeah, Plasma System Settings is the relevant utility here. It might be available via a menu, I just posted the command to launch it from a terminal.

It’s down to the theme in use (default or otherwise). You can check that and change it as already explained.

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# systemsettings kcm_sddm

The program 'systemsettings' can be found in following packages:
  * systemsettings6 [ path: /usr/bin/systemsettings, repository: ]
  * systemsettings6 [ path: /usr/bin/systemsettings, repository: openSUSE-20220916-0 ]

Try installing with:
    sudo zypper install <selected_package>

[quote="deano_ferrari, post:13, topic:178097"]
Yeah, Plasma System Settings is the relevant utility here. It might be available via a menu, I just posted the command to launch it from a terminal.

So, this above is what shows when I ran that command. You mentioned above “Plasma System Settings” . . . but this is MATE DE. Should I try to install it, or that might cause a problem installing a Plasma package in non-Plasma DE??

Well, it is a KDE Plasma utility. It will pull in any required packages. If you don’t want to do that, it is possible to manually configure sddm, but not sure what themes you’d have to choose from. The breeze theme comes from plasma6-deksotp for example. I have other themes available that I downloaded via the System Settings utility. Anyway, you can check what you have by examining the ‘/usr/share/sddm/themes/’ directory.

If you really want to roll your sleeves up, it should be possible to copy an existing theme and modify it as required. The buttons are defined in Main.qml (within theme directory). YMMV.

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There is also the package sddm-conf which shouldn’t require the complete Plasma systemsetting stuff.

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Good to know. I don’t have that package installed, but I see that it is available for TW users, so give that a go perhaps. (I’m using KDE Plasma 6 and just use the System Settings utility for theme management.)

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Success!!! It was the combination of the two suggestions that got it done to change the theme to “elarun” to get the suspend button in the log in window.

I navi’d to ‘/usr/share/sddm/themes/’ directory and in there were three sub-directories, elarun, maldives, and maya. Only the elarun option had an “images” directory that showed the “suspend” png?? I then looked in the Main.qml file in the elarun directory and in there was data for “suspending” . . . . The other two options only had background images . . . .

I then installed the sddm-conf and launched it from the console . . . and in the GUI tabs was one to select “theme” . . . it must have been on “default” . . . when I clicked on the up/down arrow that then showed the three themes that I nav’d to previously. I picked “elarun” . . . saved it, then logged out, clicked “suspend” . . . and then revived with keystroke.

My request has been fulfilled. Thanks to both of you. Tipping the scales for the “solution” to Deano . . . as “first responder” and carrying on the thread, and then to hui for keeping the solution “economical” in the package installs.

Good result! Thanks for the update. Glad to have been of guidance.

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Since we are already tuned up on this problem in this thread . . . it seems to have hit another non-openSUSE distro in my menagerie . . . where sddm theme directory has one theme that shows it has an optional “suspend” applet, but in the actual window it looks like my TW with just the reboot and shutdown buttons.

It has sddm-conf so I tried to change it from default to the named theme, but it didn’t seem to work to add the listed “suspend” button into the GUI sddm . . . .

If I wanted to try to add a theme, like say, “elarun” as was already in my TW sddm/themes . . . not showing in this other system . . . how would I do that via console??