Any Anime fans Here?

I am curious to know whether there are any anime fans in these forums

I don’t think I’m really a fan but I very much enjoy watching anime. My favourite one is Beck.

Best regards,

Hi, Greg,good to hear from you,i am currently watching Votoms original series,are watching anything lately?

Not at the moment :slight_smile: the last one I’ve sine was “code Geass”. Right now I’m refreshing my childhood memories and watching western ccartoon called “Batman Beyond” aka “Batman Of The Future”.

Best regards,

I have seen that .It is awesome.Real classic.I liked the episode where we get to see all kinds of batman suits

My bro likes “Kimagure Orange Road (TV)” which was directed by Osamu Kobayashi who has also directed BECK

Thanks a lot for the info. I’ll have to check it out :slight_smile:

Best regards,

I used to watch some anime as I could find any back in SA… but it is just to much of a time sink so I am steering clear of it lately :slight_smile:

@ nlsthzn- good to hear from you

Not sure if it falls in this category, but Cat Sh*t One is impressive.

Funny you mention Code Geass glistwan, I’m watching that with my girlfriend right now, she loves it :wink: As for myself, I just started watching Durarara!! very interesting!

I really like it as well. IMHO It awesome especially if You’re into politics in which I’m not all that much interested :stuck_out_tongue:

I am… currently warching Zenki and Death Note (again)


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yeah it is more of CG and less of 2D anime i guess

I am great fan of Gundam meta series.
Have anyone seen Gundam related anime here ?

I enjoyed Full Metal Panic (never got to see the second series)… also Ikkitousan was awesome… Samurai X was also pretty epic…

Then off course my all time fave from so many many years ago… Robotech (never saw the original series that made up the whole Robotech saga)… not the new stuff however, the original 3 parts :slight_smile:

Love this two as well :slight_smile:

Death Note is a really great one IMHO. Nice to see so many people into anime here. Great idea on starting this topic vazhavandan :slight_smile:

Watch anything by Satoshi Kon.

Here’s the Trailer for Paprika if you haven’t see any of his movies.

Hmm, I am kind of fan I guess, I watched,

Naruto until dattebayo stopped subtitling it.
Blood+, berserk, full matel panic, full matel panic fumoffu, full metal alchemist (couple of episodes), School Rumble, Death Note, Ouran highschool ??? club, avatar if that’s count… And some other anime movies like afro samurai, 1-2 naruto, spirited away (half asleep thou :P), Howl’s Moving Castle, Princess mononoke …

I guess thats all :confused:

@saahne-Your taste of anime is so refined
@ glistwan-

Great idea on starting this topic vazhavandan

Thanks.Couldn’t resist creating one as i am an avid anime watcher
@yasar11732-Welcome to the unofficial anime club of openSUSE users :slight_smile:

Guess no more anime viewers here.