Hi I have some old win 3.1 kids education games reader rabbit etc I would now like to run with wine.I open the setup.exe file with wine and all I see is a bouncing wine glass with no other feedback then it disappears and back to square one. is there any hope? my kids really want to play these and I accidentally wiped my vista off my hard drive so I’m not very popular! lol!
Try to start the setup.exe from command line with
wine setup.exe
. Are you see any error messages. Maybe the installer requires some native windows libraries.
Take a look to Education/Applications/Desktop - openSUSE. I hope you can find an alternative for Reader Rabbit.
if you use KDE, they have an education package that teaches reading, math, etc, etc you can learn about it at
The KDE Education Project - The KDE Education Project
If you are on KDE you can download the packages through yast
Yeah thanks for those tips they do look promising applications mostly further down the track I think? my eldest is six yrs I really am elementary myself when it comes to Linux how do I use terminal to change Directory to my CD drive so I can then use the command wine setup.exe the CD drive is working rather erratically so I think there is a problem there to:|
There is another option. If you have a reason PC and an XP disk you could install XP in Virtual box.
As for wine it goes like this:
In a terminal cd to the location of the installer
If using kde you nav to the location in either K or D and open a terminal
then is is
wine ./Setup.exe
*Setup= whatever the file name is, it could be setup or it could be readerrabbit.exe
so just use the appropriate name
for more wine help
WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD and Mac OS X
Alas I foolishly bought a box with pre-installed MS Vista home premium, never again! still I’m better off without it I take it.
*Is there a command that lists the drives because I just don’t know what letter the drive is? *
l - List the content of current directory. Use this command in /media/ - DVD/CD/USB drives are mounted here.
cd /media/
in the terminal type:
cd /media
to see folders etc in there type:
and so on
OK I successfully Managed to get something going with wine Once I don’t seem to be able to repeat it. The feed back said something about win32 and a module being missing Its not much to go on but I can’t get back there.
I found this
wine cannot load L"C:\windows\system32\setup.exe": module not found