ANOTHER new user

Howdy I have downloaded installed, and am running opensuse 11.0. All seems to be working including my wireless network. I even managed to load a web page, but it took 10 min. My question for the moment however is what is the next logical step to make things right? I am assuming I should go to online updates. Is this correct? Is there someplace I should look for hardware profiles etc. to make sure everything is as it should be?

Hi QOM, welcome to the Forums.
Online updates should have been configured during the installation. To make them happen straight away you can do that in Yast. Go to Yast → Online update, and it should proceed.
To see the hardware profile go to Yast → Hardware. Lot’s there, particularly “Hardware Information”. You can save that to a file and check it out at leisure.

If you have a question about something specific in the hardware, Yast has a module for nearly every piece of hardware

  • QOM wrote, On 11/08/2008 08:46 PM:
    > Howdy I have downloaded installed, and am running opensuse 11.0. All
    > seems to be working including my wireless network. I even managed to
    > load a web page, but it took 10 min. My question for the moment however
    > is what is the next logical step to make things right? I am assuming I
    > should go to online updates. Is this correct?

In addition to what Swerdna said, you probably want to enable a couple of repositories in Yast, Software, Software Repositories. The non-OSS repo should be there, but you also want Packman (where a lot of interesting software is being maintained), Mozilla (to get the latest version of Firefox and/or Thunderbird if you use these) and maybe ATI or NVidia if you use one of their video cards.
After enabling these repos, you’ll notice a lot more software available in Yast, and you’ll also see some software being updated with the Packman version. Which is usually good, because some software in Opensuse is close to useless due to legal reasons (MP3 support in Amarok, for example).

> Is there someplace I
> should look for hardware profiles etc. to make sure everything is as it
> should be?

You mean like checking for exclamation marks in a yellow circle on Windows? Nope. If it works, you are fine. Linux tends to ignore hardware it cannot make use of.


In addition there’s an amarok-packman metapackage that takes care to install all what is needed from packman by selecting just that one package.
Might have been there for ages but I only saw it few days ago :slight_smile:

Btw, Welcome!

As for the slow web-browsing, have you disabled ipv6 ? have a look in the global options tab in YaST - network devices - network settings. Another thing to look for is beagle, most users find this slows the system as well as browsing,so they disable/uninstall beagle
