When you say “I partitioned 75 GB” it does not sound free. If you really have 75 GB you want to use for openSUSE, then delete the 75 Partition you made just for openSUSE and let it be unpartitioned space. openSUSE will only use Linux partitions (you can mount Windows one if they exist) but it is trying to not mess with existing partitions and will not load into Windows NTFS partitions. Perhaps a little more detail could be helpful as to how much disk space is there? How many partition exist you want to keep and how big are they and of what type? What openSUSE version and desktop are you trying to install?
Thanks daniel for such a quick response, and I am downloading version 12.1 and a GNOME desktop off of windows 7. I have roughly 150 GB of free space and 4 partitions that i would like to keep.
So if I read correctly you want me to leave the 75 GB as unallocated space, haha i’m a novice so please bare with me.
You mention you already have 4 Partitions you need to keep
Are they Primary? That would be a problem. Becaue you couldn’t create another partition, even if you have the space to.
The above guide will help you post the info we need in order to help you.
Sorry for such the late reply,
Caf4926, I followed the guidelines that you posted in the link and after a failed attempt I managed to get it working.
Thanks guys for all the great feedback!