The above entries into your xorg.conf file are bootless; there is no way the X system can find them without the parameter ModulePath! This is the entry for my /etc/X11/xorg.conf: ModulePath “/usr/lib/xorg/modules” quotes and all.
Run xorgconfig. Forget sax2; it produced for you the thing you now see as xorg.conf, which is INCOMPLETE!
While you are at it make sure there are a couple of utilities present in your load: updatedb and locate.
To find them use the which command; ie. “which locate” and “which updatedb.” If they are present, and working, you can use “locate modules” or “locate /modules” as a means to find your actual X system modules path. Pipe it through less to control the output; dynamic control of less is by using the keyboard.
Ironic, don’t you think?
I usually do something like “locate modules | egrep xorg” and/or “locate modules | egrep lib”; in the examples ignore the quotes, except for my ModulePath…
Use the man command freely, as a greatly improved help, and also use the info command as a greatly improved man. In any event, you are engaged in a learning process as are we all.
As to the keyboard entry, choose the entry in xorconfig that is closest to yours. Repeat until you find one that takes in all cases; raw and cooked for X.
I do not believe stating the “xorc.conf” file is bootless because of the above entries that you quote is correct. I have identical entries, no path statement such that you suggest (on two separate PCs with different hardware) and I have no X boot problems.
I don’t know what user’s problem is, but I think you are not onto the correct assessment there.
But your suggestion of trying xorgconfig is not a bad idea, if sax2 fails. He should backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf first.
oldcpu: “I do not believe stating the “xorc.conf” file is bootless because of the above entries that you quote is correct. I have identical entries, no path statement such that you suggest (on two separate PCs with different hardware) and I have no X boot problems.”
My system was similarly bereft of a valid entry for the modules path and ran, but if one of the problems is modules related to the keyboard in the X system a definite path to the modules will help. It has solved problems with not initiating the X system many times on my systems, just a positive path to the X modules.
oldcpu: “But your suggestion of trying xorgconfig is not a bad idea, if sax2 fails. He should backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf first.”
Try it, you’ll like it. You can do no harm with xorgconfig and you can repeat it as many times as it takes to get the system to boot into a proper GUI. xorgconfig will also act as a teaching aid. It also automatically backs up the current xorg.conf, but make a “diddle” copy of xorg.conf first before you make any other changes.
For the life of me I really can’t see saving a dog file that doesn’t work.
You could try searching for the path to the X modules and make sure there is a valid entry in the “old” xorg.config before going through the rest of the exercise.
You might also grep through the files below /etc/X11 for ‘ModulePath’. The man pages can explain how to do that.