Does somebody know if there is any alternative of Readon TV player (Internet TV player) for linux.
I know that mplayer supports streaming but it doesn’t have any playlist so that it is difficult to find TV stream URLs.
Does somebody know if there is any alternative of Readon TV player (Internet TV player) for linux.
I know that mplayer supports streaming but it doesn’t have any playlist so that it is difficult to find TV stream URLs.
I think that most content is moving toward the Hulu model and web portals. If you get creative you might want to check out frame grabbing tools such as ffmpeg which is supposed to grab the display from the xserver. I have seen a few articles on content sites and why a pvr/dvr is not needed anymore. In general most content is available on the net in a legal form such as hulu, and CBS, and other sites. But finding a streamer that will pull content is probably not sanctioned by most copyright holders given the fact that we are lucky to have sites that provide the content.
You could always consider Usenet which is the granddaddy of all content sites anyway.
> Does somebody know if there is any alternative of Readon TV player
> (Internet TV player) for linux.
try Miro (it has playlist, RSS feeds and all kinds of stuff), it is in
the packman repo and therefore can be installed via YaST or
zypper…(if you add that repo)…
alexiy adjusted his/her AFB on Saturday 09 May 2009 11:36 to write:
> Hi,
> Does somebody know if there is any alternative of Readon TV player
> (Internet TV player) for linux.
> I know that mplayer supports streaming but it doesn’t have any playlist
> so that it is difficult to find TV stream URLs.
I probably do not understand what you are after 100% but I have had zatto
running on one of my machines once, have a gurgle there is a linux version
Nullus in verba
Nil illigitimi carborundum
If you like Japanese TV try KeyHoleTV & KeyHoleVideo, as for international TV there’s Miro.