Ampersand not working with evince

Hello everyone,

im working with suse 11.3. When i try to open a pdf document with envince using the ampersand after it

evince mydoc.pdf &

the proccess does not go to the background and i have to use “Ctrl-Z” and then “bg” to continue using the terminal. With other programs like emacs the ampersand works correctly. Login with other users/restarting the pc doesnt help. Does someone know why do i have this error and how could i repair it?
I’m trying too to use this in a shell script, is there any other method to tell the shell script to put the evince-job in the background without using the ampersand?


It works on openSUSE 12.3 / GNOME 3.6. You should probably upgrade
Alternatively you can try launching it through command launcher Alt+F2 ==> evince mydoc.pdf &

$evince 2011_WhatDoesJVMDo.pdf &
[1] 10581

On 05/23/2013 07:16 AM, geirroed wrote:
> im working with suse 11.3

when you write “suse 11.3” do you mean openSUSE 11.3 or SUSE Linux
Enterprise 11 SP3?

if you mean openSUSE 11.3 then it sailed past its end of life on 20
January 2012 (cite:…

urgently suggest you move to a currently supported version (right now
those are 12.2, 12.3 and in Evergreen find 11.2 and 11.4

unfortunately 11.3 has many publicaly known security vulnerabilities
which have not been patched (since all security fixes ceased over
15 months ago!!)

so, it not a version i would run on a system attached to any network.


Where do you have that command from. I mean when it is typed from a terminal, we would like to this including the prompt, the command and what follows copied/pasted in between CODE tags here in a post. You get the CODE tags by clicking on the # button iin the tool bar of the post editor.

We can not analyze computer text when we do not see it as closely as possible as it was on the terminal.

geirroed wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> im working with suse 11.3. When i try to open a pdf document with
> envince using the ampersand after it
> evince mydoc.pdf &
> the proccess does not go to the background and i have to use “Ctrl-Z”
> and then “bg” to continue using the terminal.

That is very strange. The ampersand should be interpreted by the shell
rather than by evince. So I think that the precise details of your
system, the shell you are using and perhaps even the version of evince
are very important. I presume you have used many different pdf files?

On Thu, 23 May 2013 08:37:11 +0000, dd wrote:

> SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3?

This does not exist, and SLES releases are never versioned as “xx.y”,
always “xx SPy”.



Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

On 05/23/2013 05:54 PM, Jim Henderson wrote:
> This does not exist,

ok, i do believe then that 11 SP2 does exist…i was not sure about
SP3…i’ll try to remember that: and what versions of 10 are on the
street–so if someone ask for help with their “suse 10.4” i’ll know
it if must be openSUSE 10.4 because SLES 10 SP 4 does not exist?

> and SLES releases are never versioned as “xx.y”,
> always “xx SPy”.

yep, but do you not know that many folks running SLES 11 SP1 or 2
have come here asking for help with their “suse 11.1” or “11.2” i
recall some even asking about their “open suse 11.2” or some other

dozens of times. should i look up a few for you?


On Thu, 23 May 2013 16:03:42 +0000, dd wrote:

> On 05/23/2013 05:54 PM, Jim Henderson wrote:
>> This does not exist,
> ok, i do believe then that 11 SP2 does exist…i was not sure about
> SP3…i’ll try to remember that: and what versions of 10 are on the
> street–so if someone ask for help with their “suse 10.4” i’ll know it
> if must be openSUSE 10.4 because SLES 10 SP 4 does not exist?

I find it’s safe to assume that when someone says they’re running a
specific version, they know what version they’re running. Maybe not 100%
of the time, but certainly in the high 90’s.

>> and SLES releases are never versioned as “xx.y”,
>> always “xx SPy”.
> yep, but do you not know that many folks running SLES 11 SP1 or 2 have
> come here asking for help with their “suse 11.1” or “11.2” i recall some
> even asking about their “open suse 11.2” or some other mangle.
> dozens of times. should i look up a few for you?

Not necessary. As I said, I was pointing it out “For Your Information”,
since you seemed to be unware that there is no SLES 11 SP3 release.

But in either case, the problem the OP is having here would be identical
regardless of distribution, because that’s a shell function.

There’s asking for clarification, and then there’s pedantry.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

On 05/23/2013 06:13 PM, Jim Henderson wrote:
> There’s asking for clarification, and then there’s pedantry.

sometimes you crack me up.


On Thu, 23 May 2013 16:50:16 +0000, dd wrote:

> On 05/23/2013 06:13 PM, Jim Henderson wrote:
>> There’s asking for clarification, and then there’s pedantry.
> sometimes you crack me up.

We aim to please. :wink:


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at