Amd ROCm latest repo with wrong metadata

I was following the opensuse documentation to be able to create a container with ROCm support, but after adding the repo and trying to install “amdgpu-dkms amdgpu-dkms-firmware” I am met with the following error:

Retrieving: amdgpu-dkms-firmware- [...not found]
File './amdgpu-dkms-firmware-' not found on medium ''

And in the repo, sure enough, the version of the packages is actually “amdgpu-dkms-”

To circumvent that I downloaded all the packages manually and installed them, but I don’t think that’s a long term solution…

I don’t know if I am in the right place because I am not confident that the metadata is the root cause of the problem or if someone here will be able to help, but if someone has any solutions please share them with me!

You simply need to enable auto refresh on the repository (prefered solution). Or perform a zypper ref prior any installation operation.

I forgot to mention in the post, but I did a zypper ref before trying to install the packages, otherwise I would not have been able to install at all, as they are not available on the default repos.

This repo

is changing with releasing new versions. It is better to stick with some definite version.

Well that’s true…
It’s not the solution I was waiting for but honestly it makes much more sense to do this.

In the end I just used version 6.3 and that’s it, working flawlessly

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