So, I looked up mysql in Yast. How do I downgrade from 5.5.25-3.9.2? Does that actually solve that error message upon starting Amarok?
I also don’t understand this business of zypper dup. When I try it in terminal I get:
zypper dup
Warning: You are about to do a distribution upgrade with all enabled repositories. Make sure these repositories are compatible before you continue. See 'man zypper' for more information about this command.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Computing distribution upgrade...
The following NEW packages are going to be installed:
bundle-lang-gnome-extras-en ladspa openSUSE-release-ftp oxygen-icon-theme-large
p11-kit-module-gnome-keyring parallel-printer-support patterns-openSUSE-kde4_pure rt2860
The following package is going to be downgraded:
The following package is going to change vendor:
audacity -> openSUSE
1 package to downgrade, 8 new, 1 to change vendor.
Overall download size: 25.1 MiB. After the operation, additional 32.1 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/?] (y):
Then I think to myself, *“no, audacity works fine, you’re not touching it.”
This error message “GREPME MySQLe query failed! (2000) on init” must have been reported as a bug already. Where do I find the solution? Thanks in advance.
> I get that message whenever I start amarok.
> I have been assuming that it is because I have disabled akonadi,
> nepomuk, strigi
The problem(Bug 712749) started with one of the updates to MySQL - something
about moved error messages. I found that the amarok now in the KDE 4.8 repo
works - there may be a corresponding one in the Updated Apps for the stock
KDE 4.7.
Thanks for the replies! I’m guessing that you’re all talking about the updated apps repo at KDE repositories - openSUSE. I’m running KDE 4.7.2. I’m also guessing that I have to update it to 4.8 before getting the updated apps? How do I go about updating KDE if that’s the case? Thanks in advance.
What’s the safest way to update KDE? Are there also special packman repos for KDE 4.8? To top it off, I can’t understand that warning sign under Upstream release aka. KR48 (KDE SC 4.8)
You can fix this problem by downgrading mysql to version 5.5.16-3.3.1. I have downgraded mysql-comunity-server, mysql-comunity-server-client, libmysql18 and libmysqlclient18 all to 5.5.16-3.3.1 and now everything, including Amerok, works perfectly.
On 2012-07-13 14:47, George Baltz wrote:
> The problem(Bug 712749) started with one of the updates to MySQL - something
> about moved error messages. I found that the amarok now in the KDE 4.8 repo
> works - there may be a corresponding one in the Updated Apps for the stock
> KDE 4.7.
No, and they don’t intend to solve that. The update repo does not contain a solution. There is
a recent thread about this in the kde mail list. The official solution is to update to 4.8
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
I wasn’t referring to the update repo, but to this one.
Though I think it’s a trifle bizarre to leave an app like amarok so borken in the official repos.
i am currently backmerging your fixes also for 12.1 update, Stefan. (both amarok and mysql-community-server).
And I already explained in the bug report that you just need to copy a single file to be able to make the official amarok work with the latest official mysql.
I resolved the issue by updating to the version in packman. I am sorry to say I was too impatient to gather any debugging information. Though I did not disable any features such as nepomuk, so it is probably not that.
On 2012-07-21 01:56, RedDwarf wrote:
> robin_listas;2475481 Wrote:
> and they don’t intend to solve that. The update repo does not
>> contain a solution. There is
>> a recent thread about this in the kde mail list. The official solution
>> is to update to 4.8
> Define “official”. And then reread comment #77
What people with “official” mail addreses said, for example
I’m reading that report and I see that the discussion in the mail list produced some movement
in the bugzilla and finally they are correcting the problem, after months of not doing it.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
Sincerely, if you don’t understand why K:U:P has not a fix yet and what you should do for the problem to get fixed my recommendation is that you stop using it.