Amarok CPU usage.


I have Amarok sitting iddle, as an “applet” icon on the task bar, not
playing anything since two days. But it is constantly near the top of
the applications using CPU, constantly using about 2…3% load.

Ok, 3% is not much. But why even that /much/, as it is not playing
anything at all?

Most of the idling tasks are at 0.0%, with spikes now and them. Less
than half a dozen tasks are using more than that, up to 0.6%, and then I
have X at 4%, and Firefox at 20% (which is a lot, it typically iddles at
5%; probably a tab with commercials).

Which means that Amarok is on the top list of cpu users in my machine,
doing absolutely nothing, just waiting for me to tell it to play

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Hello Carlos.

It’s probably the analyser tab (middle section of the amarok window), activated by default.
I believe it runs even when only sitting idle in the tray.

You could try remove it, it’s easy to have it back if you prefer to have it active.

A quick test (without play-back):
According to top AmaroK on my system uses 10 -13% when the analyser is active and visible; 2-3% when just active (not visible at the tab section), 0-0,X% when I have it disabled.

On 2014-09-15 17:46, F Sauce wrote:
> Hello Carlos.
> It’s probably the analyser tab (middle section of the amarok window),
> activated by default.
> I believe it runs even when only sitting idle in the tray.
> You could try remove it, it’s easy to have it back if you prefer to have
> it active.

Yes indeed! I removed it and cpu went to zero.


(the bug is old)

They blame gstreamer, but they don’t explain it:

«There is a known leak in the gstreamer library the phonon backend uses,
but that is upstream and we have no influence over that»

I knew about memory leaks, but not these… :-??

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)