Well first of all, using the Amarok wizard and having it collect all my music files, I tried to actually use the thing, and it says it can’t play mp3s. I really have no idea what kind of media player can’t play mp3s, so is this some sort of error?
EDIT: I fixed the volume problem, but Amarok still refuses to play music. :sarcastic:
It may help if you provide more information about what is going on. As for your issue the first thing that comes to mind is your libxine installation. Legally SUSE can not ship with support for several audio and video codecs. Luckly the Packman repo has everything that you need to solve this issue, just add the repo and update libxine1.
Unless I’m mistaken you’ve not enabled it to disable it.
Now the reason for the recommendation is really just for libdvdcss, as no one else has it. Now for some software and encrypted dvds you need it. Generally most dvd players, but for example if you use mplayer I believe it won’t be needed.
I don’t mean to be rude but you seem to be struggling with adding repos, I really would get this one out of the way first.
Now as you really do seem to be struggling and I noticed a ymp Click This that should now set the repo up for you. But as mentioned once you have installed libdvdcss then disable the repo in software repositories.
As has been quite clearly stated, you need it only for libdvdcss. And the tutorial I wrote clearly says: “N.B. You will install one package from VLC: libdvdcss – That’s it!! Then DISABLE this repo. Install this Package FIRST.”