I just explore openSUSE (I used Ubuntu before) and I think openSUSE is great. I have setup everything (not everything works outofthebox). It takes a while but it worth it. KDE4.2 is great.
But I have one problem. Amarok don’t play some files under some folder. If I move the file to different folder, it plays it, but everything in that folder can’t played, stay at 0:00.
for example:
{music folder}/City and Colour - Bring Me Your Love/04 Body In A Box.mp3 - works fine
{music folder}/The.Airborne.Toxic.Event[2008]/08 Something New.mp3 - this doesn’t played.
It seems that if the folder name containing or ] character,s Amarok can’t play the songs.
Is there a way to correct this problem?
If theres no way to do this (is a bug) how can I replace the and ] characters with ( and ) automatically in all my music foldername.