There seems to be an issue with Amanda as built for 11.1.
I upgraded from 10.1 and found that the tape device files - /dev/nst* - defaulted to root:root ownership and therefore could not be written by the amanda user. I could resolve this by adding into /etc/permissions.local the lines
/dev/nst0 root:disk 660
/dev/nst0a root:disk 660
/dev/nst0l root:disk 660
/dev/nst0m root:disk 660
That resolved that issue and amcheck runs fine with my existing amanda.conf
Unfortunately amlabel is still unable to label or read the tape label correctly - an HP DAT160 fwiw. I just get the following:
amanda@upbeat:/etc/amanda/mydump> amlabel mydump MYDUMP-03
rewinding, reading label, not an amanda tape (Device or resource busy)
rewinding, writing label MYDUMP-03, checking label
amlabel: not an amanda tape (Device or resource busy)
From what I can see on the amanda lists, this is potentially an issue with the block size at compile time. I’ve been too busy to follow this through and try a new compile but I’m pretty hacked off. These problems did not exist in 10.1