Always a mount request after logging in...


I just installed Leap 15.4 with Plasma desktop and there’s a problem that I can’t get rid of.
After logging in, there’s always a mount request that pops-up:

*Authentication is required to mount Samsung SSD 970 PRO 1TB (/dev/nvme0n1p3)

An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges.
Authentication is required to perform this action.

Password for root:

Action: Mount a filesystem on a system device.

ID: org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system

Vendor: The Udisks Project

polkit.subject-pid: 1860

polkit.caller-pid: 1468*

(pid 1860 kded5)

(pid 1468 udisksd)

It’s the same pop-up when you click in Dolphin on the left on an unmounted partition.
The partition it wants to mount is used by Leap 15.3.
The problem did NOT immediately appear after installation of Leap 15.4.
I’m not 100% sure but it seemed that it started to happen after I copied some data from one partition to another.

> cat /etc/fstab
UUID=9c09524c-0888-4c2b-be8b-bbba53df364e  /          ext4  defaults      0  1
UUID=1e77cdf1-6ff7-4298-ae7d-1ec68e5dea0b  /data      ext4  data=ordered  0  2
UUID=a3c946fe-495c-4cc9-8745-084ec00ff900  /data_3    ext4  data=ordered  0  2
UUID=9aa5092c-6a3f-408a-9e42-6d7539df1dfb  swap       swap  defaults      0  0
UUID=AA2C-C076                             /boot/efi  vfat  utf8          0  2

> lsblk
sda           8:0    0   3.6T  0 disk 
└─sda1        8:1    0   3.6T  0 part /data_3
nvme0n1     259:0    0 953.9G  0 disk 
├─nvme0n1p1 259:1    0   500M  0 part /boot/efi
├─nvme0n1p2 259:2    0    40G  0 part 
├─nvme0n1p3 259:3    0    40G  0 part 
├─nvme0n1p4 259:4    0    40G  0 part /
├─nvme0n1p5 259:5    0     4G  0 part [SWAP]
└─nvme0n1p6 259:6    0 829.4G  0 part /data

Anybody has a clue about why it keeps nagging me to mount that partition?


You can set the noauto flag for this partition.

Apparently KDE remembers every mount point it has seen and tries to automount them by default. Your options are

  1. Disable automount in KDE System Settings globally or for this particular device
  2. Add this device to /etc/fstab with “noauto” flag (KDE seems to ignore devices present in /etc/fstab)

More involved options are setting of UDISKS_IGNORE udev property for this device if you want to completely ignore it for the purpose of (KDE) automouting or modifying polkit rules to not ask password if you want to silently automount it.

You can of course delete automounter configuration (mentioned in the above thread) to remove stored information about devices but it will be back next time you mount this device again.

Thanks arvidjaar!

I disabled automounting in settings -> removable storage -> removable devices.

In the past this was disabled by default so I was never aware of it.

Problem solved, thanks again!