ALSA devices dont show

I am using thumbleweed (and testing 42.2) and in both distros i cant find my ALSA device so i can use it in QuodLibet player and bypass pulseaudio. Aplay -L shows only pulseaudio and HDMI devices. I need those with “without any conversions”. How to get them?

Alsa is there disable pules audio is one way

You could try starting it with padsp. I have run Kino with that using:

padsp kino

maybe it works but i need the device name and subdevice. I need to get it working with aplay -L

The diagnostic script provides all sorts of information on one’s audio setup. It can be invoked by running as a regular user:


My suggestion wouldn’t work, I was thinking of /dev/dsp, that’s OSS, not ALSA. My mistake! lol!

I’ve never used that app, but did a search just out of curiosity. Does this mean anything to you? I have no idea what it means:

 **Selecting an Output Device
 If you want QL to output to a different device you have to pass the device option to the sink by setting a custom pipeline. In case of pulseaudio you can get a list of available devices by executing:
 #!/usr/bin/env python2
import gi
gi.require_version("Gst", "1.0")
from gi.repository import Gst

dm = Gst.DeviceMonitor()
for device in dm.get_devices():
    if device.get_device_class() == "Audio/Sink":
        props = device.get_properties()
        element = device.create_element(None)
        type_name = element.get_factory().get_name()
        device_name = element.props.device
        print "%s device=%r" % (type_name, device_name)

 which should give you something like:
 pulsesink device='alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo'

 which you can use as is, as a custom pipeline.