Already installed English version but want to use Korean keyboard layout

I have a keyboard layout built in Korean language, and when i installed openSUSE 11.3 by network installation i keep keyboard layout to Korean. But after installation can’t write Korean but still see Korean font in Firefox, cuz i added its font on firefox configuration settings. What shall i do? I want installed in English but still need to use Korean fonts to write something.

It depends on what desktop you are using; if you are using KDE, go to System settings>Regional and language>Keyboard setting and select Korean.

Thanks but it could help nothing. I found, i use KDE and the solution is kickoff(bottom-left) and search ‘language’ -> not ‘Country/Region & Language’ but -> just ‘Language’, so you can choose primary language and secondary language.
In my case primary is English, secondary is Korean.

Hi guys!

I’m facing a very similar problem: just installed OpenSuse 12.3 selecting brazilian portuguese as my default language, but almost everything is still in english. Tried changing first and second languages, files were downloaded, but nothing change.

Does anybody knows what can be happening?



Please don’t ask the same question in two different threads.

Also: What has your question to do with: “Already installed English version but want to use Korean keyboard layout”?

Please do not:

  1. hang a new question at the end of a years old problem, almost nobody will see it;
  2. hang a new question at the end of a thread when it is not exactly the same problem, which can not be the case here, because in 2010 there was no openSUSE 12.3;
  3. do never doublepost, we hate split discussions where nobody knows what was answered in the other thread.

My advice: do start a new thread, in the best fitting (sub)forum, with e good telling title. That gives you the best chances that fellow users, knowing something about your subject, will anser you.

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