Few things that are driving me friggin nuts and in about a day if I can’t get them sorted will be the cause of my abandonment of this ridiculous OS.
Is it really that difficult to figure out how a window should “maximize” and “Minimize”… I consistantly end up with “floating” windows… not that I have any clue what a floating window is… but searching the “opensuse” release notes or google simply tells me that they exist… and checking the button, which seams to happen on its own every other application switch causes the window to blow up full screen or to be linked to another app or lord knows what… but it drives me flippin nuts to have to right click, uncheck floating window… then maximize, minimize maximize, resize and hope it works EVERY TIME this happens.
You can’t change the clock without crashing your OS… really? come on! I realize there are bugs and such within any OS but thats just outrageous.
Video pluggins and such… I like vlc, its small, its free… and normally it just works… but not here, you have to “compile it” with the right add-ins, I am pretty sure that anywhere else you could simply install the default one and it would work… especially given the fact that I already have the 3rd party “non-free” repos installed and can play videos from other apps with no problem at all.
Flash… I realize this is a problem all across linux, so its not really a gripe specific to Opensuse, but to have my OS overheat and shut down because of an application… excellent work guys; my i5 can now provide 2nd degree burns if you watch 2 much youtube… and of course the answer is the same, its not our fault, talk to adobe… flash sucks, I get that; but at least pretend to care rather than skirting the issue and pointing at someone else.
hotkeys… I appreciate that you can customize almost anything in KDE… and that KDE is not arguably Opensuse, but a desktop interface… but its the one you chose by default… if your going to provide “virtual desktops” allow for people to use hotkeys to switch between them…
Thats all I have… sorry for the rant, just frustrated on a monday.
No real idea what you are talking about. But going on a hunch … Are you using the Netbook workspace type? Change it to Desktop in Systemsetting > Workspace Behaviour > Workspace.
And Floating? There is a tiling layout called floating: Systemsettings > Window Behaviour > Window Behaviour > Advanced.
Default is Crtl-F1, Crtl-F2 etc to change to a given virtual desktop. Which can be changed of course. You can also set a shortcut to change to the next virtual desktop, but I forgot what the default was (if there was any).
Still: this is your first post here, so I draw the conclusion you haven’t tried to get things cleared out, but started with a rant, immediately apologizing. Not an open invitation to help. If you want help, ask for it.
> Default is Crtl-F1, Crtl-F2 etc to change to a given virtual desktop.
> Which can be changed of course. You can also set a shortcut to change to
> the next virtual desktop, but I forgot what the default was (if there
> was any).
Using KDE you may also use activities which can be changed using the three
dot icon on the panel.
I must admit the first part of the post has me completely baffled as I don’t understand the problem. I always just use the buttons found on any window, similar to what you would find in any operating system. aka minimize button, restore button, close button. Are these buttons missing?
The clock? Well I change the clock on all my systems and have never had it crash. 4 computers currently running opensuse 12.1 and nary a one crashes.
You do not have to compile vlc, or any other video player/plugin. Simply add the packman repository and a plethora of video players, decoders, encoders, multimedia applications will be available in Yast. If you however prefer to compile applications that is of course always an option, but not one that is necessary.
Flash is indeed a cpu hog, video hog and a total turd in general, but again I have four computers of varying capabilities and processors and have never had one overheat because of flash alone. Only one laptop I have ever had an issue and that is because its fans were clogged with dust, once cleaned it was never an issue.
Switching virtual desktops with hotkeys is as easy as CTRL + F1 or F2 or whichever desktop you want to switch to.
Sorry you are having such a difficult time, but it seems that you really haven’t looked for solutions or answers, but just wanted to rant.
The OS certainly isn’t “ridiculous” however many of it’s users are. A day and a half to work out issues without doing any reading or asking simple questions, or lack of understanding is ridiculous.
“Floating windows” sounds to me as though the user has possibly installed the Gnome 3 edition. If this is true OP, it’s a new desktop environment and well worth your time, and I’d recommend you take a look at some of the videos on their site.
Does this happen consistently or did it only occur once?
Video pluggins and such… I like vlc, its small, its free… and normally it just works… but not here, you have to “compile it” with the right add-ins, I am pretty sure that anywhere else you could simply install the default one and it would work… especially given the fact that I already have the 3rd party “non-free” repos installed and can play videos from other apps with no problem at all.
All I did was use the one click install for the restricted formats here: Restricted formats - openSUSE Community Wiki
Then, I simply opened up YasT/the package manager searched for vlc and installed it.
It was very painless. It’s referenced in one of stickies in the multimedia forum, I believe.
Flash… I realize this is a problem all across linux, so its not really a gripe specific to Opensuse, but to have my OS overheat and shut down because of an application… excellent work guys; my i5 can now provide 2nd degree burns if you watch 2 much youtube… and of course the answer is the same, its not our fault, talk to adobe… flash sucks, I get that; but at least pretend to care rather than skirting the issue and pointing at someone else.
I’m on an old P4 3.0 HT system with 2GB or memory and a Nvida 8400 GS (PCI version not Pci-e) and I can watch HD videos all day using flash without any overheating. Do you have acceleration enabled? Also I would be worried about your system’s cooling capability and I would monitor this very carefully if I were you.
You might also check ‘top’ or the System Monitor while playing a video to see what is going on with your system as the video is playing. Is it using all the CPU?
Thats all I have… sorry for the rant, just frustrated on a monday.
My day wasn’t that great either. Hang in there. I hope it gets better for you.
Also having used many distributions over the last 15 years I can tell you that the Opensuse v12.1 kde installation is one of the best I’ve ever used if not the best. And this is coming from a guy who has set up his own custom installs in Gentoo and Arch and used them for a year. It’s very polished in my opinion. But to each their own. It may just not be for you or your system and I respect that.