Alcatel USB Modem for opensuse 11.1

please all opensuse experts . i have a headache coz i couldn’t install alcatel speedtouch 330 usb modem with gray color . i have opensuse 11.1 and i wish to login into internet . it is a dream . i tried every script here and it didn’t work . so please i neeeeeeed help .

Have a look at:
GPL Speedtouch USB driver homepage
I use smoothwall as a firewall and the module comes standard with it.

please , i tried to run that script in the previous link but it is failed. please heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp .

Did you follow the instructions in the installation guide. Since the binaries are a bit old, I would consider getting the source and compiling from scratch.
You also need the thomson f/ware from: Choose the tar file.

I am sooooooooo thankful for you my friend . but excuse me , i downloaded the file but i am new in linux . can you tell me how to install that file . the extension is .tar

i am soooooooooooooo thankful for you .

please heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp

please it is a small matter for you experts
please help


is there anyone here can help me !!!

Maybe no one knows how even if you do bumpin and shoutin for heeeeeeeeeelllpp!!!.:stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway here is a link and might get you started.
SDB:Setting up Alcatel SpeedTouch USB DSL Modem - openSUSE

Next time please don’t try that heeeeeeeeeeelp!!! again.:open_mouth:
It scares away potential volunteers.


I used to own a usb speedtouch frog many years ago. Do yourself a favour a buy a router, they’re quicker and much less hassle.