Akregator - login and replay to thread : Keyboard problem


Keyboard : azerty

Within akregator :

Impossible to log to opensuse forum from article because typing character ‘n’ in password field switch to main tab.

After login ( using copy/paste password ) impossible to replay to thread because typing character ‘m’ in text pane switch to main tab.

Any help is welcome

Don’t even try.

With the old “akregator” you could do this. With the new “akregator”, it does not seem to work.

I have logged into a site with akregator. And that works fine. But as soon as I close that tab in akregator, I am no longer logged in. The next time I go to that site in an akregator tab, I am logged out. It looks as if “akregator” is not retaining login cookies for its browser.

It does retain cookies for the feed reader component (at least I think it does). If I login to a site in “konqueror”, then I am also logged in for the feed reader component of akregator. But I am not logged in for a browser tab in akregator.

When you want to browse an akregator item, I suggest browsing in an external browser. That works, and you can login there. I’m currently using “opera” for that, but I’m using “firefox” for openSUSE forums.

I am currently reply with your advice.
Yes it works.

Thank you.