Akonadi-Dienst arbeitet nicht richtig > kein Kontact/KMail auf neuer Installation

Hallo Forum,

aufgrund wachsender Probleme mit meiner Leap 15.0 Installation auf meinem Laptop habe ich mich zu einer Neuinstallation von 15.1 entschlossen. Auch auf dem ganz frisch installierten System machte der NetworkManager Probleme, so dass ich im Moment zu wicked gewechselt habe - dafür aber vielleicht ein extra Thema.

Wie ich heute feststelle, kann ich Kontact/Kmail nicht nutzen - beim Startversuch kommt die Nachricht “Der Akonadi-Dienst zur persönlichen Informationsverwaltung arbeitet nicht richtig”.

Der Klick auf den Button “Details” führt zu nichts. Starte ich kmail über die Konsole, erhalte ich

Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Starting up the Akonadi Server...
org.kde.pim.kidentitymanagement: IdentityManager: There was no default identity. Marking first one as default.
No text-to-speech plug-ins were found.
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: database server stopped unexpectedly
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Database process exited unexpectedly during initial connection!
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: executable: "/usr/sbin/mysqld"
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: arguments: ("--defaults-file=/home/gringmuth/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf", "--datadir=/home/gringmuth/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/", "--socket=/tmp/akonadi-gringmuth.QAdusJ/mysql.socket", "--pid-file=/tmp/akonadi-gringmuth.QAdusJ/mysql.pid")
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: stdout: ""
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: stderr: "2019-06-16 16:13:42 140434080725184 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 10.2.22-MariaDB) starting as process 7187 ...
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: exit code: 6
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: process error: "Process crashed"
/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/akonadi-gringmuth.QAdusJ/mysql.socket' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/tmp/akonadi-gringmuth.QAdusJ/mysql.socket' exists!
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Failed to remove runtime connection config file
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Shutting down AkonadiServer...
org.kde.pim.akonadicontrol: Application 'akonadiserver' exited normally...
org.kde.pim.akonadicore: Job error:  "" for collection: QVector() 

org.kde.pim.akonadicore: Job error:  "" for collection: QVector() 

org.kde.pim.mailcommon: failed to retrieve tags  ""
akonadictl status


Akonadi Control: stopped
Akonadi Server: stopped
Akonadi Server Search Support: available (Remote Search, Akonadi Search Plugin)
Available Agent Types: akonadi_akonotes_resource, akonadi_archivemail_agent, akonadi_birthdays_resource, akonadi_contacts_resource, akonadi_davgroupware_resource, akonadi_ews_resource, akonadi_ewsmta_resource, akonadi_facebook_resource, akonadi_followupreminder_agent, akonadi_googlecalendar_resource, akonadi_googlecontacts_resource, akonadi_ical_resource, akonadi_icaldir_resource, akonadi_imap_resource, akonadi_indexing_agent, akonadi_invitations_agent, akonadi_kalarm_dir_resource, akonadi_kalarm_resource, akonadi_knut_resource, akonadi_kolab_resource, akonadi_maildir_resource, akonadi_maildispatcher_agent, akonadi_mailfilter_agent, akonadi_mbox_resource, akonadi_migration_agent, akonadi_mixedmaildir_resource, akonadi_newmailnotifier_agent, akonadi_notes_agent, akonadi_notes_resource, akonadi_openxchange_resource, akonadi_pop3_resource, akonadi_sendlater_agent, akonadi_tomboynotes_resource, akonadi_unifiedmailbox_agent, akonadi_vcard_resource, akonadi_vcarddir_resource

und wenn ich Akonadi starten will mit

akonadictl start

kommt das:

Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
gringmuth@linux-z3pw:~> org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Starting up the Akonadi Server...
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: database server stopped unexpectedly
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Database process exited unexpectedly during initial connection!
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: executable: "/usr/sbin/mysqld"
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: arguments: ("--defaults-file=/home/gringmuth/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf", "--datadir=/home/gringmuth/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/", "--socket=/tmp/akonadi-gringmuth.QAdusJ/mysql.socket", "--pid-file=/tmp/akonadi-gringmuth.QAdusJ/mysql.pid")
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: stdout: ""
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: stderr: "2019-06-16 16:16:56 140435649091776 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 10.2.22-MariaDB) starting as process 7314 ...
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: exit code: 6
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: process error: "Process crashed"
/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/akonadi-gringmuth.QAdusJ/mysql.socket' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/tmp/akonadi-gringmuth.QAdusJ/mysql.socket' exists!
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Failed to remove runtime connection config file
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Shutting down AkonadiServer...
org.kde.pim.akonadicontrol: Application 'akonadiserver' exited normally...

Habe ich beim Aufspielen meiner Datensicherung auf das frische System eine Konfigurationsdatei übergeben, die hier stört? Ich habe leider nicht vor der Rücksicherung meines home-Verzeichnisses (mit backintime) Kontact oder KMail aufgerufen, kann also nicht sagen, ob es auf dem ganz frischen System gestartet wäre.

Ich erahne nur, dass Kontact/Kmail nicht startet, weil Akonadi nicht läuft und Akonadi wiederum kein laufendes mysql vorfindet…

Bevor ich nochmal neu installiere, dachte ich, ich suche hier erstmal nach Hilfe - wo fange ich an?

aufgrund wachsender Probleme mit meiner Leap 15.0 Installation auf meinem Laptop habe ich mich zu einer Neuinstallation von 15.1 entschlossen.

Und dann das:

Habe ich beim Aufspielen meiner Datensicherung auf das frische System eine Konfigurationsdatei übergeben, die hier stört? Ich habe leider nicht vor der Rücksicherung meines home-Verzeichnisses (mit backintime) Kontact oder KMail aufgerufen, kann also nicht sagen, ob es auf dem ganz frischen System gestartet wäre.

Da wird wahrscheinlich der Hund begraben liegen…

Neuen User anlegen und den Starten, funktioniert es dann?

Konsolenausgaben bitte immer incl. der kompletten Eingabezeile posten, so kann man sehen, in welchem Verzeichnis welcher Befehl als welcher User eingegeben worden ist.

Beim Aufruf von Kontact kommt nicht sofort die Fehlermeldung wie bei meinem Standard-Benutzer, aber der Akonadi-Selbsttest ist auch nicht fehlerfrei (sorry, der ist recht lang):

Akonadi Server Self-Test Report

Test 1:  SUCCESS

Database driver found.
Details: The QtSQL driver 'QMYSQL' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration and was found on your system.

File content of '/home/juergen/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc':



Test 2:  SUCCESS

Akonadi is not running as root
Details: Akonadi is not running as a root/administrator user, which is the recommended setup for a secure system.

Test 3:  SUCCESS

MySQL server found.
Details: You have currently configured Akonadi to use the MySQL server '/usr/sbin/mysqld'.
Make sure you have the MySQL server installed, set the correct path and ensure you have the necessary read and execution rights on the server executable. The server executable is typically called 'mysqld'; its location varies depending on the distribution.

Test 4:  SUCCESS

MySQL server is executable.
Details: MySQL server found: /usr/sbin/mysqld  Ver 10.2.22-MariaDB for Linux on x86_64 (openSUSE package)

Test 5:  SUCCESS

MySQL server log contains no errors.
Details: The MySQL server log file '<a href="/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err">/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err</a>' does not contain any errors or warnings.

File content of '/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/mysql.err':
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.11
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Using SSE2 crc32 instructions
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 128M, instances = 1, chunk size = 128M
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140592815118080 [Note] InnoDB: If the mysqld execution user is authorized, page cleaner thread priority can be changed. See the man page of setpriority().
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile101 size to 67108864 bytes
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile1 size to 67108864 bytes
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Renaming log file ./ib_logfile101 to ./ib_logfile0
2019-06-16 17:48:22 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: New log files created, LSN=1620087
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: 128 out of 128 rollback segments are active.
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: Setting file './ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ...
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: File './ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB.
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140593195268288 [Note] InnoDB: 5.7.25 started; log sequence number 1620492
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140592575137536 [Note] InnoDB: Loading buffer pool(s) from /home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/ib_buffer_pool
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140592575137536 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 190616 17:48:23
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140593195268288 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled.
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140593195268288 [Note] Reading of all Master_info entries succeded
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140593195268288 [Note] Added new Master_info '' to hash table
2019-06-16 17:48:23 140593195268288 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '10.2.22-MariaDB'  socket: '/tmp/akonadi-juergen.XC9l5E/mysql.socket'  port: 0  openSUSE package

Test 6:  ERROR

MySQL server default configuration not found.
Details: The default configuration for the MySQL server was not found or was not readable. Check your Akonadi installation is complete and you have all required access rights.

Test 7:  SKIP

MySQL server custom configuration not available.
Details: The custom configuration for the MySQL server was not found but is optional.

Test 8:  SUCCESS

MySQL server configuration is usable.
Details: The MySQL server configuration was found at <a href="/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf">/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf</a> and is readable.

File content of '/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf':
# Global Akonadi MySQL server settings,
# These settings can be adjusted using $HOME/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf
# Based on advice by Kris Köhntopp <kris@mysql.com>

# strict query parsing/interpretation
# TODO: make Akonadi work with those settings enabled
# sql_mode=strict_trans_tables,strict_all_tables,strict_error_for_division_by_zero,no_auto_create_user,no_auto_value_on_zero,no_engine_substitution,no_zero_date,no_zero_in_date,only_full_group_by,pipes_as_concat
# sql_mode=strict_trans_tables

# log all queries, useful for debugging but generates an enormous amount of data
# log=mysql.full
# log queries slower than n seconds, log file name relative to datadir (for debugging only)
# log_slow_queries=mysql.slow
# long_query_time=1
# log queries not using indices, debug only, disable for production use
# log_queries_not_using_indexes=1
# mesure database size and adjust innodb_buffer_pool_size
# SELECT sum(data_length) as bla, sum(index_length) as blub FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema not in ("mysql", "information_schema");

# Keep Innob_log_waits and keep Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free small (see show global status like "inno%", show global variables)



# Use UTF-8 encoding for tables

# use InnoDB for transactions and better crash recovery

# memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary information and other internal data structures (default:8M)
# Deprecated in MySQL >= 5.6.3, removed in 5.7 (works in MariaDB)
# innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=8M

# memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables (default:128M)
# Larger values means less I/O

# Create a .ibd file for each table (default:0)

# Write out the log buffer to the log file at each commit (default:1)

# Buffer size used to write to the log files on disk (default:1M for builtin, 8M for plugin)
# larger values means less I/O

# Size of each log file in a log group (default:5M) larger means less I/O but more time for recovery.

# # error log file name, relative to datadir (default:hostname.err)

# print warnings and connection errors (default:1)

# Convert table named to lowercase

# Maximum size of one packet or any generated/intermediate string. (default:1M)

# Maximum simultaneous connections allowed (default:100)

# The two options below make no sense with prepared statements and/or transactions
# (make sense when having the same query multiple times)

# Memory allocated for caching query results (default:0 (disabled))

# Do not cache results (default:1)

# Do not use the privileges mechanisms

# Do not listen for TCP/IP connections at all

# The number of open tables for all threads. (default:64)

# How many threads the server should cache for reuse (default:0)

# wait 365d before dropping the DB connection (default:8h)

# We use InnoDB, so don't let MyISAM eat up memory


Test 9:  SUCCESS

akonadictl found and usable
Details: The program '/usr/bin/akonadictl' to control the Akonadi server was found and could be executed successfully.
akonadictl 5.10.3

Test 10:  SUCCESS

Akonadi control process registered at D-Bus.
Details: The Akonadi control process is registered at D-Bus which typically indicates it is operational.

Test 11:  SUCCESS

Akonadi server process registered at D-Bus.
Details: The Akonadi server process is registered at D-Bus which typically indicates it is operational.

Test 12:  SKIP

Protocol version check not possible.
Details: Without a connection to the server it is not possible to check if the protocol version meets the requirements.

Test 13:  SUCCESS

Resource agents found.
Details: At least one resource agent has been found.

Directory listing of '/usr/share/akonadi/agents':

Environment variable XDG_DATA_DIRS is set to '/home/juergen/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share'

Test 14:  ERROR

Current Akonadi server error log found.
Details: The Akonadi server reported errors during its current startup. The log can be found in <a href="/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error">/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error</a>.

File content of '/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error':
Starting up the Akonadi Server...
Running DB initializer
DB initializer done
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7f9754005180) )
Subscriber "" disconnected
New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7f975400f880) )
New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7f975400f880) )
New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7f9754015070) )
Subscriber "" disconnected
Subscriber "" disconnected
New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7f9754015070) )
Subscriber Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7f975401f620) identified as "Archive Mail Kernel ETM - 93964205333632"
Subscriber Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7f975401f620) identified as "Archive Mail Kernel ETM - 93964205333632"
Executing search "kontact-505671508-SearchSession"
unknown term  "birthday"
unknown term  "birthday"
Search  "kontact-505671508-SearchSession" done (without remote search)
QObject::killTimer: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread
Handler exception when handling command FetchCollections on connection akonadi_ical_resource_0 (0x559406bcf970) : Hierarchical RID does not specify an existing collection
QObject::killTimer: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread

Test 15:  SUCCESS

No previous Akonadi server error log found.
Details: The Akonadi server did not report any errors during its previous startup.

Test 16:  ERROR

Current Akonadi control error log found.
Details: The Akonadi control process reported errors during its current startup. The log can be found in <a href="/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error">/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error</a>.

File content of '/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error':
Unable to register service as "org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Control.lock" Maybe it's already running?

Test 17:  ERROR

Previous Akonadi control error log found.
Details: The Akonadi control process reported errors during its previous startup. The log can be found in <a href="/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error.old">/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error.old</a>.

File content of '/home/juergen/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi_control.error.old':
Unable to register service as "org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Control.lock" Maybe it's already running?

Außer diesen Selbsttest anzustoßen, habe ich mit dem neuen Benutzer nichts gemacht, also auch nicht versucht, einen Mailaccount anzulegen - wenn das Sinn macht, versuche ich das auch noch.

Gut, das werde ich künftig beherzigen.