After zypper dup in TW for 2082 packages today, machine does not revive from suspend?

Following up on latest developments . . . running zypper dup in TW pulled in another 68 packages including a newer kernel, 6.12.9-1.1 & some firmware packages for nvidia 20250111-1.1 . . . . After running that and update-bootloader, on cold boot in the new kernel, the non-revival from suspend for the display remains.

I’m over in Leap 15.6 right now, I’ll see if anything is available for change there in a bit.

Following up n my own line of questioning . . . no . . . nothing changed on Leap 15.6, and in some sense that distro has been affected worse than TW, in that in Leap I can’t retro-boot the kernel to get out of the problem as I can in TW.

Also, reviewing, that the newer kernel in TW did not bring the display back from suspend, only the now oldest kernel would do that, the two newer ones perpetuate the problem . . . .

Latest update, following my own line of inquiry . . . today I upgraded my Gecko rolling Plasma edition in my '20 Sys76 laptop that has an nvidia card for the roughly equivalent of 1832 packages and revival from suspend works fine. In YaSt software I searched “nvidia” and it showed a bunch of packages, but only three are installed, a “nvidia-firmware,” a “nouveau” and a “nv” . . . . It showed listed the G05 & G06 options, but they weren’t installed. Lsmod shows “nouveau” scattered around, no “nv” or “nvidia” per se there.

I shut down after the large upgrade and tried several revivals from suspend. Seems operational. I mainly use Pop_OS in that machine and that has nvidia proprietary weaved into the OS . . . it does on occasion have this same problem with non-revival . . . .

But, back in the Mac Pro this AM, running Deb Trixie, no problems reviving from suspend. Just the TW & Leap 15.6 editions are affected . . . . Perhaps “God” will reach down and try to resuscitate my openSUSE installs to provide the basic function of “reviving from suspend” in the latest kernel??

Thread seems to have passed on . . . but, in today’s 118 package upgrade in TW there was a “libvd_nouveau” package listed, that running through seems to have restored “revival” from suspend in TW.

It’s not a very fast blink to get back to the GUI, it’s in fact “slow” . . . but at least I didn’t have to use power button to shut down.

On another note, the /zypp/ file was set up previously for just two kernels, when the latest 6.12.9xxx was installed yesterday that wiped out the 6.12.6 option that worked well, before the 2082 packages . . . so I expanded the options to retain kernels, but in looking through YaSt it didn’t seem to find any kernels other than 6.12.9???

Where in the openSUSE paradigm can we find and install kernels, either retro or jumping ahead?

Have yet to check on the Leap 15.6 capacity for reviving from suspend . . . when I get that straightened out I’ll mark this as solved. It’s better, but not what it was for speed of revival . . . .

OK, no, with the same “libvd_nouveau” package upgrade && even with newer 6.12.10-1-lp155 kernel, Leap 15.6 does not revive from suspend.

Latest update, this morning in TW there were 4 packages to upgrade, possibly the same as yesterday, the “libvd_nouveau” and some “Mesa” options . . . after running those upgrades now once again TW is NOT reviving from suspend. Next step will be to try to roll back to the last working kernel 6.12.6 and see if that brings basic function back to TW.

Managed to get the TW kernel rolled back to thanks to an assist from an anonymous donor, and suspended the machine. A few minutes later it revived, quickly, from suspend.

So that does seem to point to a problem in the newer kernels in my TW system. Leap is running newer kernels than possibly TW now, and that didn’t seem to help . . . perhaps I might try to roll back there to 6.12.6 as well . . . ???

Back playing with Leap a bit . . . zypper found a few new packages, ran them through, and seems like the 6.13 kernel has restored revival from suspend . . . .

~> uname -r

I’ll monitor it a bit but seems like now TW & Leap 15.6 are able to suspend and wake from suspend . . . . Until the next time.

Yep, 6.13 had “fixed” the problem, but today’s zypper up brought some 44 packages in Leap . . . “firmware-nvidia” the likely cause of the problem. Non-reviving from suspend is back in Leap . . . only fixed in TW via older kernel.

Problem is again back in TW . . . one set of package upgrades seem to “fix” the problem, the next, today’s in TW again “breaks” the revival from suspend.

The saga continues . . . .

Back to TW today . . . zypper showed approx. 111 package upgrades, ran them through, logged out and suspended.

A few minutes later machine still fails to revive the display, the machine instantly fires up, but the display remains black.

Shut down with the power button, and back into TW . . . I’ll try to suspend it again in a few, likely the problem will continue.

Back to Leap in a couple of days for the comparison in the two openSUSE installs, the rest of them wake up fully, not partially.

Alrighty. After several power button shut downs to get back to TW, the third time I went to the kernel that was working before the issue returned:

:~> uname -r

And the display does revive back from suspend in that kernel, so some association with the kernel is there.