A few months ago, I learned that 15.2 was no longer supported. I did an online upgrade to 15.3 - had some sort of “hiccup” where the install asked me the same question twice in a row, but it finished.
Immediately I had major issues with locking up, but because of the output during boot, I was able to find and fix that. (Updating a second time was part of the fix.)
However, since then I’ve had at least one lockup a day, sometimes several. Most happen when I first fire up in the morning, but some happened at random times (even late in the evening). I’ve noticed that on bootup the hard drive seems to thrash a lot longer before it settles down - sometimes a few minutes after the desktop appears. If I try to get on the internet for my daily news and to start my workday as son as the desktop appears, that almost guarantees a lockup. If I wait until the hard drive stops, then I can access the internet with only occasional lockups (usually due to problems with a webpage) - and if I wait long enough, sometimes it clears itself. I usually play a quick card game while waiting after booting, and other “internal only” programs don’t seem to have an issue.
The startup lockups always require a hard power-down to ‘reset’. The others - sometimes if I wait 30 minutes (or more), it will finally clear up itself and I can continue using it. I used to think it was a purely Firefox problem, but it’s happened when Firefox was NOT started.
(Please note - I don’t have a lot of time to spend reading to fix this… my part-time job as a researcher and trying to finish my dissertation takes up most of my time.)
**Question: **Is it possible to use the online install to re-install Leap 15.3 over itself without having to start from scratch? I have numerous programs I use on a frequent basis (sometimes daily) and it would take me a couple of days to reinstall everything. I don’t have that time to spare.
**Question 2: **Where would I find the logs - to see if there is an error generated before lockup? I used to remember that, but with the pressure I’m under, I cannot remember.
Question 3: Sometimes the lockup feels like a timer has been set into an endless loop. Where might I find such timers (like for a web page to finish loading)? That was a big part of the initial headaches I ran into after upgrading.
BTW: I initially suspected heat or power problems, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. It seems connected to software, and it also seems to be in some way connected with ethernet/network.
I apologize for asking for ‘quick easy’ help with minimal reading, but I’m taking precious time out to send this request for help. I am not a newbie to Linux (over a year with 15.2, and then over a decade with Ubuntu), but am under real time constraints and pressure here, and the pressure is making it hard to remember stuff (like where the log files are).