After kernel update and about 50 other updates and reboot this morniing, bluetooth headphones stopped working. Previously working fine. Bluetooth headphone internal audio says paired and connected. Bluethooth device manager says connected. Wired headphones work fine.
Were there any updates that might have affected bluetooth? Anyone else seen this bluetooth issue? I reinstalled every module that a search said was associated with bluetooth.
Bluetooth headphones not working after update is still unsolved. I have been using wired headphones for a couple of weeks. Back to bluetooth headphone problem solving. I did verify that the wireless headphones are working as they have a “line in” wired connection that shows them to work. So the headphone has not failed. Thus, problem must be in bluetooth pc system software or in bluetooth software or hardware in the phone. Would like to think it is pc system bluetooth software problem rather than hardware problem.
I have tried countless permutations of turning off/on bluetooth, removing/reinstalling bluetooth device, rebooting computer etc. as seen in opensuse and other forums with no success. The headphones pair and connect as verified by both the bluetooth app and the headphone audio but don’t work. Pulseaudio is in use and has always been in use when the headphones were working.
Latest clue is that pavucontrol says: “High Fidelity Playback (A2DP Sink) (unavailable)”. A2DP was on system before updates. I can’t find A2DP as a file package so it must be included in something else. I have also deleted and reinstalled all the pulseaudio and bluetooth files with no success.
Issues are: where is a2dp software on my system? Issue also is how to turn it on? Underlying issue is how did it get deactivated by an update?
@marel, i am surprised also about the needed change from pulseaudio to pipewire. I just did that change on a whim and it worked. I’m on leap: not tumbleweed.
Did look at software install history in yast and there was a bluez update in the set of packages installed before the bluetooth wireless headphones stopped working. If the bluex update was the problem though, I think more people would have reported it.