After updates seem there's theme issue with YaST,smplayer

I’m not sure whats the issue is as when i did updates “zypper dup” after i restarted log back in seems issue with the theme i’m using (Arc Gray) which was working before. Just isn’t taking affect to smplayer or YaST or software management.

However it is working in file manager and if i do su as root file manager it works

I’m using GNOME DE

Anybody else having problems, WAS THERE AN UPDATE FOR GNOME? seems themes don’t work for smplayer, YaST. Anybody know a fix seems something changed with an update and it just not openSUSE its in my Arch install too.

Works fine here (version 20160923), I don’t use smplayer. Maybe force a reintall (metatheme-arc-common-20160923,gtk2-engine-murrine, gtk3-metatheme-arc-20160923 and gtk2-metatheme-arc-20160923) and see if that helps, or swicth to the default theme, restart shell (alt+F2+r) and re-select the arc theme.

AFAIK smplayer is a Qt5 application, and YaST definitely is.
Unfortunately, the GTK(2) style has been dropped in 5.7.0 (which has been released for Tumbleweed recently), so Qt5 applications cannot use the GTK themes any more.

See other threads about this topic, and this bug report:

A fix is on the way though.

any fix as of yet??

Yes, the GTK2 style has been packaged again meanwhile in libqt5-qtstyleplugins-platformtheme-gtk2.
It’s not in Tumbleweed yet, you need to install it from KDE:Qt5 for now:

Or you can use libqt5-qtct to configure Qt5 applications’ look separately from GNOME/GTK.