I performed the last update of my laptop samsung RV520 with nvidia GEFORCE GT 520M using leap 15 and kde and it hang at started locale service as in the picture:
[i]how can I have solve??
manythanks, ciao pier
And what happens if you boot the previous kernel? How long do you wait before resetting the laptop?
Repos involved?
zypper lr -d
…manythanks, it worked with the previous kernel:-) , so I suppose should be the kernel the problem
… I erroneously answered here Fails to boot to graphics mode after Oct 13th update (Kernel-default 4.12.14-lp150.12.19.2) - Install/Boot/Login - openSUSE Forums
thinking that it was this post, it is the same bug as this or it is another?
…if I did not have had an old kernel, how could I install an old kernel without login ??
I reset the laptop after about 5minutes that it is in the picture situation
repositories are the usual
download.opensuse.org/repositories/network, publishing, printing, KDE:/Qt5, KDE:/Frameworks5, KDE:/Extra, KDE:/Applications/KDE_Frameworks5_openSUSE_Leap_15.0, GNOME:/Apps/,
update/leap/15.0/oss, non-oss
distribution/leap/15.0/repo/oss, non-oss
the non working kernel is 4.12.14-lp150.12.19-default
the working kernel is 4.12.14-lp150.12.16-default
to avoid to have another fail at the update of the other laptop, which new kernel I could consider working kernel?
manythanks, ciao, P
The mirrors just received another newer kernel: 4.12.14-lp150.12.22.1.
And it broke my Leap 15 on this HP Compaq DC7700 CMT machine(i am in windows reporting this)
The Update told me I had to restart, so I did. Then it gets to ‘fsck’(file system check), goes through that for a long long time, and then completely stops after recognizing some hardware.
I have to use the power button to get out of it.
Can I do the
zypper lr -d
to start it with older kernel?
Hi Bill
At the grub menu, choose ‘Advanced options…’ and then select the previous kernel. Does that boot ok?
No it doesn’t, I have tried all four kernel options and I get the ‘start job for the fsck’ message, then the hardware listings, and then dead in the water.
I will not update either of my other computers! In fact I will likely not even boot them until I know things will be right with the openSuse world!
Any way to get this train wreck lifted back on the track?
Try editing the linux boot options via the grub config. Press ‘e’ at the grub screen, and arrow down until you find the entry beginning with ‘linux’ or ‘linuxefi’. Add ‘fastboot’ to the end of the options, then CTRL +X to boot
That should bypass any enabled fsck AFAIU.
Are pier_andreit and Bill_L using proprietary video drivers instead of FOSS? Were matching proprietary drivers already available for the 4.12.14-lp150.12.22.1 kernel when they updated?
Since 4.12.14-lp150.12.22.1 hit the mirrors Monday I’ve upgraded 12 installations to it. All booted it totally normally. Most had been running 4.12.14-lp150.12.16.1, but 2 or 3 were up to 4.12.14-lp150.12.19.2 and running fine with it.
I don’t know what ‘proprietary video drivers’ means, but the HP desktop has a Radeon card and the motherboard video has been disabled.
As far as the kernels you listed, I can’t say for sure what version I had prior to the update. I only know it comes to a complete stop after going through that long long process if ‘fsck-(file system check)’ and then listing out some hardware, of which the Radeon is part of.
I will try to capture images with my iPad and post them, likely in another new post.
But, once again, the other two machines will not be updated until I know they won’t be ruined as well. The laptop has the Optimus graphics, so I expect that one will be fubar’d!
I will give it a try.
1-Closed source
2-Not FOSS
3-Not provided by download.opensuse.org mirrors
4-Not on the installation media
yes, I’m using the nvidia drivers by Index of /opensuse/leap/15.0
So, drivers for the Radeon card are or are not propriety?
It work well prior to the latest kernel update.
I apologize for hijacking your post! I will copy what I need from here and start another post as I have other questions
Again, sorry!
…do you think that the new kernel 4.12.14-lp150.12.22.1 in the repository is ok and can be updated and has no bugs??
manythanks, ciao, P
It WFM. I have it working nicely on 16 installations, none of which use any proprietary drivers.
maaaanythanks SOLVED, following this thread
and this bug
it worked, I uninstalled nvidia drivers, updated to new kwrnel, it result a bit difficult due to many flickering of the screen also in console non graphic mode, both systems leap 15.0 booted graphically with kernel 4.12.14-lp150.12.22 and 4.12.14-lp150.12.16 but without nvidia drivers, so it seems definitely a nvidia driver problem, but as kde plasma5 if I remember works bad with nouveau, I’ll try to reinstall nvidia drivers, that, accordind to the bug say, it seems to works if installed after the kernel and only with that kernel
Great! lol!
I had a similar problem, where the system didn’t boot and fsck complained it couldn’t check the file system.
I tried to run fsck from the rescue system, but it didn’t help.
Thank you, for the advice … rotfl!
What’s the problem?