After recent updates, Session doesn't show properly

Anyone know what update causes this?

Why not providing some informations to work with?
What desktop environment?
What window is it?
What modifications have you done (the theme is a custom one…)?
Did you check the journal?
Did you check the terminal messages?

I’m guessing you’re running the Session messenger as the flatpak app? if that’s the case, I’m running that as well and haven’t had any issues with any recent updates.
@hui is right, you need to provide a lot more information.
If it is the flatpak version of the app. Exit the app, then run this command from the terminal and see what the output is:
flatpak run network.loki.Session

Yes my apologies for not specifying, it is a flatpak. I ran GDK_BACKEND=x11 flatpak run network.loki.Session and then QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland flatpak run network.loki.Sessionand I get these error messages.

I see. I’m not an expert, but it looks like a graphical issue. You updated but have you made any other changes recently that could have contributed to this issue? Do you have any similar issues running any other flatpaks on your system?

I do not recall.

No. I did used to have something similar happen to an AppImage file “Open Video Downloader” but it works now.