After last update Plasma Wayland did not start

I did update today. Plasma wayland do not start. It complains about kdeinit5 crashing. When logged on X11, it works, but without GPU acceleration. What is important: I had these problems previously and do upgrade from main distro few days ago - everything worked. But after today’s update it stops!

I had the same issues today. A workaround is to add the Packman Essential repo and install the Mesa packages from there.

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I can confirm that Packman Mesa solves this

Wild guess, but maybe 1226983 – Steam won't install after 26 June update ? Try uninstalling steam and running zypper dup again.

It’s odd. People (and I have same issue) and solution was to install Mesa from X11 or Pacman repo. After that, there was patched Mesa inside OpenSUSE:OSS repo, but updates broke everything again.

Looks like today’s update left you with incompatible versions of Mesa and related drivers.
Please check that all related packages are from the same version.
Mesa from Packman works here.
Mesa 24.1.1-385.1 from OSS Update works here.
Mesa 24.1.2-382.1 from OSS not tested here (and likely what caused your problem).

In addition to Mesa* packages you may also check
and possibly others depending on your HW.

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