I fess up to probably having too many repositories enabled, however…
the only GUI I can currently log into is IceWM, (I don’t use Gnome, do
have KDE3)
After a recent update, now when I try to access e.g. dolphin, the
application fires up, but reports an error with .session, klauncher, and
something called org.forgotten.
I can access the file system, the internet (using FF, konqi not
interested in starting, I can access kontact, kmail, but not use them,
OOo works.
name changing .kde4 did nothing, deleting the whole of KDE4 and
starting again with 11.1 and then one-click from kde.org didn’t improve
The upside (luckybackup, I love you) $HOME only four days out of date.
Now, I could do a clean install, but wondered if anyone could suggest
something a bit less neanderthal?
gerrygavigan’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=2458
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=407506