After installation: No keyboard


I re-installed my Suse 11.0 because I had issues. After installation I did not have these issues. But they are cropping up again. Yesterday I noticed I had no access to the Internet. And more seriously, I had no keyboard input capabilities. So I am not able to do something about it using Yast (as I have to input a password, using my keyboard, that is not working). Anyone know how I can handle this problem?


Boot problem: No keyboard found. Press F1 to continue. :stuck_out_tongue:

First tell us how your keyboard is connected ps2 or usb?

Presumably it works fine during and just after install?

I thought I forgot something. It is an USB keyboard. The USB mouse however works fine.

I don’t know if it matters, but I have an external harddisk attached to my system. I see it (when I look at “My Computer”). But I can not access it. It uses NTFS and is attached, you guessed it, using USB.

And yes, it did work fine a few times since installation.

Not sure why the keyboard is not working could try another usb port.
As for the external disk you can access it with ntfs-3g.

Just type ntfs in the search under kicker (start) start the ntfs config tool and follow check enable read write on external drives


Thanks for the reply.

If memory serves, it is possible to put the USB connector in a PS2 connector. Am I dreaming, and would that be a solution?

It can be done. One can but try. The adapter is not likely to be expensive. But then neither are keyboards.