Adunanza eMule Firewalled

Hi to all.

This is my first post, and sorry if is here. I don’t know if this is the correct place to post my question, but i’ll hope so.

My problem is emule adunanza. Downloaded from opensuse adunanza repositories.

Since 3 days ago, with opensuse 11.1 my emule goes well.
But after full data into /home directory that block X access, i’ll do this steps:

Login as root into X.
Clean /home/giancarlo
Logout from root and login giancarlo.

So now, after this, my emule will start to connect with low ID because tell me that the connection is firewalled.
What connection parameters are modified when my home was locked that now block my emule connection ?
How can i change these parameters to return to the initial work situation?

This is my emule log:

2009-04-05 11:33:54: amule.cpp(596): Starting aMule 2.2.3 using wxGTK2 v2.8.9
2009-04-05 11:33:54: ClientCreditsList.cpp(168): Il file dei crediti è stato caricato, 42 client conosciuti
2009-04-05 11:33:54: IPFilter.cpp(109): Carico i filtri IP da ‘ipfilter.dat’ e ‘ipfilter_static.dat’.
2009-04-05 11:33:54: IPFilter.cpp(334): Caricati 0 intervalli di IP da ‘/home/giancarlo/.aMule/ipfilter.dat’. 0 righe non valide sono state scartate.
2009-04-05 11:33:54: IPFilter.cpp(334): Caricati 0 intervalli di IP da ‘/home/giancarlo/.aMule/ipfilter_static.dat’. 0 righe non valide sono state scartate.
2009-04-05 11:33:54: ExternalConn.cpp(169): Connessioni esterne disabilitate nel file di configurazione
2009-04-05 11:33:54: MuleUDPSocket.cpp(81): Created Server UDP-Socket at port 4665
2009-04-05 11:33:54: MuleUDPSocket.cpp(81): Created Client UDP-Socket at port 4672
2009-04-05 11:33:54: UPnPBase.cpp(868): Universal Plug and Play: bound to
2009-04-05 11:33:54: UPnPBase.cpp(939): Universal Plug and Play: UPnP Error: CUPnPControlPoint::AddPortMapping: WAN Service not detected.
2009-04-05 11:33:54: amuleDlg.cpp(212):
2009-04-05 11:33:54: amuleDlg.cpp(214): - Questo è aMule 2.2.3 using wxGTK2 v2.8.9 basato su eMule.
2009-04-05 11:33:54: amuleDlg.cpp(216): In esecuzione su Linux x86_64
2009-04-05 11:33:54: amuleDlg.cpp(218): - Visita # Welcome to aMule, the all-platform eMule-like P2P client #]( per sapere se è disponibile una nuova versione.
2009-04-05 11:33:54: amuleDlg.cpp(219):
2009-04-05 11:33:54: IP2Country.cpp(104): Caricati 248 flag bitmap.
2009-04-05 11:33:54: ServerList.cpp(83): Caricamento file server.met: /home/giancarlo/.aMule/server.met
2009-04-05 11:33:54: ServerList.cpp(168): Trovati 7 server nel file server.met
2009-04-05 11:33:55: DownloadQueue.cpp(171): Trovati 19 file parziali
2009-04-05 11:33:55: SharedFileList.cpp(358): Trovati 15 file condivisi conosciuti, 5 sconosciuti
2009-04-05 11:33:55: amule.cpp(794): Connessione in corso
2009-04-05 11:33:55: ServerSocket.cpp(754): Connessione a eDonkeyServer No2 ( - utilizzo offuscamento del protocollo.
2009-04-05 11:33:55: RoutingZone.cpp(208): Letti 154 contatti Kad
2009-04-05 11:33:56: ThreadTasks.cpp(131): Hasher: Creo gli hash MD4 e AICH del file mastini salentini.jpg
2009-04-05 11:33:56: ThreadScheduler.cpp(308): ThreadScheduler: Completed task ‘Hashing - /home/giancarlo/download/mastini salentini.jpg’, 4 tasks remaining.
2009-04-05 11:33:56: ThreadTasks.cpp(131): Hasher: Creo gli hash MD4 e AICH del file Sex.Drive.2008.DvDRIP.Unrated.Subbed.ITA.EsTreMo.CREW.CD2
2009-04-05 11:33:56: amule.cpp(1895): Stai usando una versione non aggiornata di aMule!
2009-04-05 11:33:56: amule.cpp(1896): La tua versione di aMule e’ la 2.2.3 e l’ultima è la 2.2.4
2009-04-05 11:33:56: amule.cpp(1897): L’ultima versione è sempre disponibile su # Welcome to aMule, the all-platform eMule-like P2P client #](
2009-04-05 11:33:56: ServerSocket.cpp(754): Connessione a Sharing Kingdom 2 ( - utilizzo offuscamento del protocollo.
2009-04-05 11:33:56: ServerConnect.cpp(190): Connesso a eDonkeyServer No2 (
2009-04-05 11:33:56: ServerConnect.cpp(190): Connesso a Sharing Kingdom 2 (
2009-04-05 11:33:59: ServerConnect.cpp(342): Persa connessione a Sharing Kingdom 2 (
2009-04-05 11:33:59: ServerConnect.cpp(401): Connessione persa
2009-04-05 11:34:16: ServerConnect.cpp(463): Connessione a eDonkeyServer No2 ( non riuscita per time-out.
2009-04-05 11:34:16: ServerSocket.cpp(754): Connessione a Sharing Kingdom 4 ( - utilizzo offuscamento del protocollo.
2009-04-05 11:34:16: ServerConnect.cpp(190): Connesso a Sharing Kingdom 4 (
2009-04-05 11:34:21: ServerConnect.cpp(463): Connessione a Sharing Kingdom 2 ( non riuscita per time-out.
2009-04-05 11:34:21: ServerSocket.cpp(754): Connessione a Sharing Kingdom 1 ( - utilizzo offuscamento del protocollo.
2009-04-05 11:34:21: ServerConnect.cpp(190): Connesso a Sharing Kingdom 1 (
2009-04-05 11:34:27: ServerSocket.cpp(277): ATTENZIONE: Sharing Kingdom 4 ( - NG : You have a lowid. Please review your network config and/or your settings.
2009-04-05 11:34:27: ServerConnect.cpp(263): Connessione stabilita con: Sharing Kingdom 4
2009-04-05 11:34:27: ServerSocket.cpp(417): Il nuovo clientID è 4767976
2009-04-05 11:34:27: ServerSocket.cpp(419): ATTENZIONE: hai ricevuto un ID basso!
2009-04-05 11:34:27: ServerSocket.cpp(420): Probabilmente perché il tuo pc è dietro un firewall o router.
2009-04-05 11:34:27: ServerSocket.cpp(421): Per altre informazioni visita Main Page - AMule Project FAQ
2009-04-05 11:34:49: ThreadScheduler.cpp(308): ThreadScheduler: Completed task ‘Hashing - /home/giancarlo/download/Sex.Drive.2008.DvDRIP.Unrated.Subbed.ITA.EsTreMo.CREW.CD2’, 3 tasks remaining.
2009-04-05 11:34:49: ThreadTasks.cpp(131): Hasher: Creo gli hash MD4 e AICH del file Punisher.War.Zone.2008.DvDRIP.Subbed.ITA.EsTreMo.CREW.CD2
2009-04-05 11:35:32: ThreadScheduler.cpp(308): ThreadScheduler: Completed task ‘Hashing - /home/giancarlo/download/Punisher.War.Zone.2008.DvDRIP.Subbed.ITA.EsTreMo.CREW.CD2’, 2 tasks remaining.
2009-04-05 11:35:32: ThreadTasks.cpp(131): Hasher: Creo gli hash MD4 e AICH del file Sex.Drive.2008.DvDRIP.Unrated.Subbed.ITA.EsTreMo.CREW.CD1
2009-04-05 11:35:39: SharedFileList.cpp(358): Trovati 18 file condivisi conosciuti, 963 sconosciuti
2009-04-05 11:36:06: ThreadScheduler.cpp(308): ThreadScheduler: Completed task ‘Hashing - /home/giancarlo/download/Sex.Drive.2008.DvDRIP.Unrated.Subbed.ITA.EsTreMo.CREW.CD1’, 964 tasks remaining.
2009-04-05 11:36:06: ThreadTasks.cpp(131): Hasher: Creo gli hash MD4 e AICH del file Punisher.War.Zone.2008.DvDRIP.Subbed.ITA.EsTreMo.CREW.CD1

and this is the connection state:

Stato Katemlia: Attivo
Stato: Connesso
Stato connessione: Firewalled
Stato firewalled: Connesso all’amico
Buddy address:
Utenti medi: 1,86M
File medi: 328,58M

I’m post here the problem because i think it was a problem of parameters of connection into opensuse, and not parameter into emule.

Thanks for the answer.

sorry for my bad english

You may get more help in the network/Internet forum, I think.

If you are firewalled you should open the port(s) that your application uses. You do this in Yast > Security > Firewall > Allowed services > Advanced button.